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Trigger Happy Cops

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Nearly there...

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PostPosted: 14:39 - 21 Oct 2012    Post subject: Reply with quote

So from this, just to be clear, you sincerely believe that unless one has received um heap big training, that ALL humans will naturally beat up someone who has committed a crime?

Get a van and go to a busy city centre, take aim at a couple of mothers with children and run them over then reverse over them a few times. Get out of the van and stand with the surrounding "grown ups" note what happens to you.

THAT is a grown-up professional response

You made it back? Shame, but hey heres part two, we have established that the response of "grown ups" other wise know as adults when it comes to violence against children and women ranges from freezing in fear to a direct violent attack, now lets look at the professionals, they appear to be doing something different to the general adult population, they are professional and to be so they have to over come there natural responses, I respect that.

Not training then. Well then, under your logic, all policemen were born by immaculate conception, visited by angels, and guided to join the sainted police. .

Due to the incidences of foul play carried out by police officers continually reported in the media, evidently not, but the ones who Do have a strong enough handle over there ego to remain fair and just to the public when they find them selves in a position of power, the ones who can leave a situation in which they were treated like shit only to attend another and treat those involved with a clean slate and with the respect they deserve, the ones who can be counted on in situations to do the right thing, well, there's something to that and its not just a case of training for if it were all officers would be of this standard. Most of us would call it character and strength, yet by your logic pointing out one has those qualitys is akin to saying they were born by immaculate conception, visited by angels and guided by invisible forces in life.

Butthurt much? What gives you anymore credibility than me? Believing one's self is being honest. The alternative is stating a position in which you do not actually believe, ie: being disingenuous

You perceive that as butthurt?

So believing in ones beliefs makes them true? There are thousands of people who believe there's a magical man in the sky, his name is god and he has tasked them to kill people in the name of peace while they spend there time on earth. There being honest to them selves? Ok..but the alternative is using your brain to formulate a position that recognizes reality and makes sense there, or you could just throw your personal biases around placing the majority of the weight behind a few negatives to discount the positives, that position may leave you questioning why others question your credibility.

Anti-free speech faggot shit"? You can't possibly be serious

Oh, so you don't think that targeting twitter users for there comments is anti-free speech?

And to imply that targeting motorists is the government's fault is beyond deluded. No minister is holding a gun to the heads of Speed trap cops

Police chiefs have admitted setting compulsory targets for handing out speeding tickets.
Officers are being forced to meet quotas for minor speeding offences, seatbelt violations and invalid tax discs.
Those who fail can expect a carpeting --and in the long run it could harm their career, one senior officer said.
The quotas were introduced in a two-year Government pilot project run with the Thames Valley force.

My, you're piling up the straw men today. The injuries in question were broken lower legs. I said to the popo that leathers wouldn't have prevented me from similar injuries

Did you also point out that a helmet did not protect the guys feet? Perhaps you went one step further and pointed out the uselessness of gloves due to the fact they never stopped his legs from breaking?

Whoa, hold it right there! This must be a piss-take, or an actual copper arsehole. So, meeting the legal requirement for protective equipment, (as opposed to burying one's self in armour) is grounds for suspecting that the vehicle is not legal?

Not quite, its just failing to meet the self respect requirements of protecting your self to the immediate dangers of the road, if you cant be bothered to protect your self from a risk several feet away why would you at expense protect your bike in the form of upkeep and from accidents that could take place in the next 12 months? Again its called impression, you decide the one you want to produce so deal with it.

Another Straw Man. I neither deserved nor wanted respect for doing what I'd do for anybody. I just didn't want shit for it either

It was a bit off considering I'd...

You did not get shit for it, you got shit for riding a motorbike in a T shirt ( so much shit in fact that you rode off at the moment of your own choosing, that's some real police heavy handedness right there ) Your issue is you expected them to over look your immature stance to safety, considering you had just....If you do not want to get shit then wear protection, that is the grown up and professional way to treat the road, yes you were meeting the legal requirement with a helmet, its just that the laws are designed for adults and it is assumed any functional adult will take measures to protect them selves, this system being a lot better than the micromanagement of what one wears from head to toe. If you don't want to get treated like a teenager then don't act like one.

Face it, the only reason you don't believe people would last five minutes, is because the only people you respect/wank over are already IN the police. The ONLY reason I wouldn't make a good copper is my lack of desire to nick people.

So there's the phenomenal logical fallacies eh? I recognize to be a good copper and provide a service above what we currently receive the majority of the time, from dealing with the public, standing up to the misconduct of your own colleagues to the stresses and strains of dealing with the worst situations society has to offer requires something that's worthy of respect? Well no, not quite, I have just stepped out of line from the anti police at all costs brigade.

What a bunch arrogant keyboard warriors you are, if we want standards to be reached we have to respect those who reach them, if we do not we create an environment that attracts the exact opposite.

Perhaps if a copper who suggested one protects them selves with the means available whilst riding was not instantly confronted with a mini Hitler in a rage because someone dared question there conduct, that copper would take exception at a government directing him to screw the public over for minor violations but as it is why the hell would they make a stand for those who don't give a fuck?

Ha! Well spotted - that's hilarious, didn't get that far for fairly obvious reasons...

Blah blah blah, working in industry is clearly more risky than being first on call to deal with any armed robbery or lunatic on a rampage within a 100 mile radius, of course. I don't know what the issue is here, I say I respect coppers who do there job properly "what all coppers???" No, not the bullyboys, not the inadequates, not the incompetents, just the ones who are developed enough to do the job properly, the ones of which if the entire force was composed of we would not have a problem at all.

But no, I expect! I demand! The world doesn't give a shit what you want it does how ever respond to the way you treat it so we have this vicious circle of some coppers stepping out of line, the public turning against all coppers which eventually pushes the ones who actually give a dam about the public out of the job leaving only the kind you had a problem with in the first place.

But its ok, cuz coppers iz bad, init.

FFS, even Hetzer who has physically beaten more bully boy coppers than you keyboard warriors have wanked about hurting gets this point.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 13:09 - 22 Oct 2012    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's more to this than meets the eye. I've taken this quote from another forum where it was posted by someone I've known for a while and trust.

"Now I'll tell you a little bit about Mr Farmer.

He is a regular shopper in the supermarket I work in. One day I was in the process of serving a customer and two others were queueing behind her when Mr Farmer walked up and put his beer in the middle of the 1st woman's shopping. I assumed they were together so I scanned his beer. The woman told me it wasn't hers so I asked if they were not together. When she said 'no' I told Mr Farmer I was sorry but he would have to go to the back of the queue. At that, he took his stick out from where it had been hidden under his arm - it really is a tiny stick and silver, not white - waved it about at me and said I was very rude and had I not seen his stick and he was blind. I said 'I'm sorry but no, I didn't see your stick as it was tucked under your arm'. He continued to wave it at me and shout at me and call me rude, all the while looking me right in the eye. There was only one of us being rude and it wasn't me.
After I finished dealing with my original customer, the ones behind said I could serve him first. I scanned his beer, put it in a bag and put the bag right away from him. I was testing his assertion that he was blind. He would not have been able to feel his bag as it was away from him. He went straight for it and managed to put his hands through the handles first time. There is no way in hell he could not see. He is about as blind as I am (-2.75 in each eye at my last sight test). He is known for playing on his 'blindness' and also for his drinking and waving his stick at people whilst claiming 'I'm blind'. many other people have had the misfortune of having to deal with him. He uses his 'disability' as an excuse to be a nasty piece of work.

Now, I'm not saying that the police were right to use the taser nor that the person that was tasered was acting in an aggressive manner - I wasn't on the scene to witness it nor were any of the posters here. I do prefer to know the facts before I jump either way though.
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Old Thread Alert!

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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 19:17 - 30 Aug 2013    Post subject: Reply with quote

It seems that the police officer involved didn't act in an unreasonable manner after all.
I feel dreadful for ever doubting his judgement and professionalism:-
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Joined: 26 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: 19:52 - 30 Aug 2013    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just... I can't even...

The chap will doubtless be nearly as well compensated as his lawyer, but that'll come from public funds. Meanwhile, the retard, the fucking dimwit goon who tazered him because he couldn't tell the difference between a stick and a sword, is strutting around looking for his next victim.

Oh, and while that's going on, the Criminals' Protection Service is shitting down its own leg in its excitement at prosecuting a tyre depot owner - with the possibility of life imprisonment - for protecting his property from some thieving pikeys, while the scrotes were given £75 fines and told to be on their way.

Has anyone seen a plot? Desperately seeking one, last seen around 1847.
Biking is 1/20th as dangerous as horse riding.
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Borekit Bruiser

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PostPosted: 09:42 - 31 Aug 2013    Post subject: Reply with quote

I used to carry a katana through the town centre on my way to Iaido practise every Saturday.

No one bothered me.
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Borekit Bruiser

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PostPosted: 11:30 - 31 Aug 2013    Post subject: Reply with quote

I stuck a L plate on my chest m8. I heard it's legal then. Laughing
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 12:38 - 31 Aug 2013    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rogerborg wrote:

Oh, and while that's going on, the Criminals' Protection Service is shitting down its own leg in its excitement at prosecuting a tyre depot owner - with the possibility of life imprisonment - for protecting his property from some thieving pikeys, while the scrotes were given £75 fines and told to be on their way.

I'm pretty sure the take home message from that story is if you have to fight off some burglars, make damn sure you kill them.

And then hide the bodies.
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Spanner Monkey

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PostPosted: 19:13 - 31 Aug 2013    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here in Northern ireland all our PSNI are armed. Weirdly, you don't tend to find them ever having to use them, or tazer anyone.

I think mainland UK police constantly want to act Rambo because they've got nothing better to do. Mainland police come over here on secondment and usually want to go home pretty sharpish.

Our police have to deal with petrol bomb wielding rioters every year, car bombs and terrorists every week. They have no need to shoot stick wielding blind men.
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Old Thread Alert!

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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 22:50 - 26 Mar 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not guilty of professional incompetence
A good loser will always be a loser.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: 23:20 - 26 Mar 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote
Biking is 1/20th as dangerous as horse riding.
GONE: HN125-8, LF-250B, GPz 305, GPZ 500S, Burgman 400 // RIDING: F650GS (800 twin), Royal Enfield Bullet Electra 500 AVL, Ninja 250R because racebike
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Mr Calendar

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PostPosted: 12:26 - 27 Mar 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Daily Mail wrote:
a panel made up of Assistant Chief Constable Tim Jacques, Chief Supt Richard Goodenough-Bayly and Mr Ashley Judd, the Constabulary’s Head of Human Resources. ... The panel found that the officer failed to perform his duties to a satisfactory standard on October 12, 2012, though his actions did not amount to gross incompetence....

Can anyone tell me what "gross incompetence" is according to the police? It would be useful, given that...
Daily Mail wrote:
...the man was walking away from PC Wright at the time and posed no threat...
A report from the police watchdog found PC Wright failed to take reasonable steps to ascertain if Mr Farmer was carrying a sword before he discharged the Taser.
He had used a level of force that was 'unnecessary and disproportionate to the circumstances' and caused further distress to Mr Farmer by detaining him in handcuffs despite it being 'obvious' he had the wrong man...
PC Wright also ignored instructions and radio transmissions about how to deal with the incident, and failed to comply with local and national guidelines on the use of Taser.

So I wonder if the Lancashire Police could tell us what exactly would be "gross incompetence"?.

I bet even if he killed the guy he'd get off. Oh wait!, didn't that happen, officer was finally dismissed for "gross misconduct" ? Rolling Eyes

So I can conclude that if a policeman kills someone when on duty (aren't the police always on-duty?) then that's "gross misconduct". Everything else you can get away with. Can someone from Lancashire Police (or any police for that matter) just confirm that please Thumbs Up

Apology for the almost Teflon-Mike like wall of text.
...and the whirlwind is in the thorn trees, it's hard for thee to kick against the pricks...
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 20:13 - 27 Mar 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

He would have to be incompetent another 143 times for gross incompetence.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 20:48 - 27 Mar 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

They have to protect their idiot agents to ensure loyalty during any future uprisings.
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The last post was made 10 years, 83 days ago. Instead of replying here, would creating a new thread be more useful?
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