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General Election: 8th June 2017

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PostPosted: 20:01 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

JonB wrote:
I don't think you can read anything into that.
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PostPosted: 20:03 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote
Biking is 1/20th as dangerous as horse riding.
GONE: HN125-8, LF-250B, GPz 305, GPZ 500S, Burgman 400 // RIDING: F650GS (800 twin), Royal Enfield Bullet Electra 500 AVL, Ninja 250R because racebike
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Lord Percy
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PostPosted: 20:09 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

JonB wrote:
Lord Percy wrote:
Are opinion polls all done online? Here's an interesting one...

Not sure I trust it really, but that is still a huge amount of 'no blue at all'.

It's also a huge amount of 'Scotland will be an independent country quite soon'.

I don't think you can read anything into that. Most people who vote Tory won't be on Facebook (a requirement to vote on that site) or looking for online opinion polls.

Given that Labour always do appallingly in the constituency I live in, but are currently at 91% on that site says a lot.

Can't disagree with that.

Where I live is typically very blue too.

Interesting to see how left wing the majority of social media users are though.
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Kawasaki Jimbo
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PostPosted: 20:11 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lord Percy wrote:
Are opinion polls all done online? Here's an interesting one...

Not sure I trust it really, but that is still a huge amount of 'no blue at all'.

There's the clue. It's a rubbish poll.

Lord Percy wrote:
It's also a huge amount of 'Scotland will be a poor independent country quite soon'.

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Afraid of Mileage

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PostPosted: 20:55 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Echo chambers. Groupthink. Self fulfilling prophecies that are amazed when the result isn't what they wanted cause everyone wants Corbyn to win. Surely?

What's worrying is that the Corbyn vote is almost cult like.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it?s worth.
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PostPosted: 21:31 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

JonB wrote:
What's worrying is that the Corbyn vote is almost cult like.

It's a small cult though, and their replacement rate is very, very low.

That's not where the long term threat is.
Biking is 1/20th as dangerous as horse riding.
GONE: HN125-8, LF-250B, GPz 305, GPZ 500S, Burgman 400 // RIDING: F650GS (800 twin), Royal Enfield Bullet Electra 500 AVL, Ninja 250R because racebike
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Jewlio Rides Again LLB
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PostPosted: 22:09 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:
Jewlio Rides Again wrote:

Which bit? The bit where you know more about the company I work for than I do?

I don't believe for one minute that your directors reveal the shareholder dividend payments to the proles.

You're talking shite again.

Go back, and show me where I said they revealed it?

Then come back, and apologise for being a mong who can't read.
Mpd72: I can categorically say i’m Brighter than that, no matter how I come across on here.
HAHAHA HAHAHA Blew Chilly MyCrowSystems
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PostPosted: 22:35 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still not voting Tory.
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Lord Percy
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PostPosted: 22:55 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sload wrote:
Still not voting Tory.

That will upset Theresa.

Our prime minister losing the plot on facebook wrote:

If I lose just six seats I will lose this election, and Jeremy Corbyn will be sitting down to negotiate with the presidents, prime ministers and chancellors of Europe:

For anyone with any doubts about the importance of this election, the events of the past week should have put them to rest. With the publication of the Labour Party’s manifesto on Tuesday, and the launch of my own plan on Thursday, it is clearer than ever just how much is at stake.

Labour’s plan – with its fantastical promises and utopian vision – would drag this country back to the past. It would undo all the progress we have made, return us to the days when the trade unions held sway, and put our economic security at risk.

It is a despairing document from a divisive party, written and shaped by a leader who doesn’t understand – or like – our country.

Jeremy Corbyn has spent decades apologising for Britain. He accuses me of wanting to wrap myself in the Union Flag, as if that were a term of abuse. It’s little wonder that even traditional Labour voters look at what he believes in and are appalled.

He has disowned and rejected the core values of Labour’s most loyal supporters to put his own extreme ideological obsessions first. The prospect of him walking through the door of Number 10, flanked by John McDonnell and Diane Abbott and propped up by the Liberal Democrat and nationalist parties, should scare us all.

And make no mistake, it could happen. The cold hard fact is that if I lose just six seats I will lose this election, and Jeremy Corbyn will be sitting down to negotiate with the presidents, prime ministers and chancellors of Europe.

Yet with his manifesto this week, he has demonstrated that he is simply not up to the job of leading Britain through the critical years ahead.

Manifestos are a test of leadership. They force leaders to choose their priorities, reckon with great challenges and face up to difficult decisions.

Jeremy Corbyn has failed that test. His shambolic prospectus ducks all the difficult decisions we face as a country, threatening to bring chaos to Britain and selling future generations short.

I believe in being upfront and straight with people. We face some great challenges as a nation. How to make sure our economy stays strong; how we ensure Britain emerges from Brexit stronger, more united and more confident than ever before; how we overcome social divisions, spread opportunity and make Britain the world’s Great Meritocracy; how to restore the contract between generations, providing security for older people while being fair to the young; and how we seize the opportunities on offer in a digital world.

We cannot wish these challenges away. But with a government that steps up, shows leadership and takes the big, sometimes difficult decisions that are right for Britain in the long-term, we can see them as opportunities instead.

The Government I lead will be that active government. A mainstream government that delivers for mainstream Britain. We will leave the European Union and the single market, and take control of our borders, our money and our laws – because we respect the will of the British people and recognise that, however they voted, people just want us to get on with the job of delivering Brexit.

We will bring net migration down to sustainable levels to tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands – because when immigration is too fast and too high, it is difficult to build a cohesive society.

We will ensure taxes are low and money is targeted on the right priorities – because Conservatives know it is taxpayers’ money and we have a duty to spend it well.

And we will invest in the future to ensure each generation is able to do better than the last.

We will fund the new schools – including a new wave of selective schools – that will give young people the best start in life. We will invest in a new generation of technical institutions to give them the skills they need to succeed. We will build the homes required to help them get on the housing ladder. And we will continue to pay down our nation’s debts, because it is wrong to pass to future generations a bill you cannot or will not pay yourself.

The next five years will be critical for Britain. Our future prosperity, our place in the world, our economic security and the opportunities we want for our children – and our children’s children – all depend on getting the best Brexit deal for Britain.

That will require leadership from a prime minister who is strong enough to stand up for Britain, and a government that is stable enough to steer the country safely through the negotiations ahead.

With his manifesto this week, Jeremy Corbyn has shown he is simply not up to that task.

For that reason, and because of the chaos his plans would unleash on this country, I will redouble my efforts in the weeks to come to earn every vote. That will strengthen my hand when I negotiate in Europe and help me build a stronger, fairer, more prosperous Britain.

A country our children and grandchildren are proud to call home.
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Jewlio Rides Again LLB
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PostPosted: 23:48 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:
Jewlio Rides Again wrote:

Go back, and show me where I said they revealed it?

Then come back, and apologise for being a mong who can't read.

So you stalked this information how then?

I'm not doubting your creepy stalking skills for one minute, you demonstrate them on here quite often, you oddball creep.

Wow, Donk's butthurt is strong. Much stronger than his ability to take anywhere near as much shit as he's willing to mete out.

Here, I've quoted the post with the information in. Which, coincidentally, you've replied to. Try reading it, and see if you can put some basic maths together.

Jewlio Rides Again wrote:
mpd72 wrote:

By nowhere near the level that didvidend tax has been increased.

Call it what you will, I have no doubt whatsoever that they'll be getting the majority of it without paying the tax they should.


Such as? You listen to too much hearsay. Corporation tax is 19%, basic rate PAYE is 20%. I pay 7.5% on top of corp tax for any profit taken out of my business after the first £5K.

It almost sounds like you would be better off working for someone else... So why don't you?


Bollocks, you were at this shareholders meeting where the dividends were discussed were you? You do come out with some shite.

The perks of working in a small business where the day to day accounts is a friend means when we were all shafted over the rise and bonus means we all found out exactly what they slapped themselves on the back to the tune of. I'll give you a clue, last financial year they took less than 50 out as their bonus, this year it was not far off 100.


We've been through this a few times. The lowest earners are at least 20% better off in money terms than under Labour. Remember you made a tit of yourself trying to pretend fuel cost increases had wiped this out? Wink
BTW, pump prices are lower now than they were when the Tories took over.

And we're supposed to be grateful that the price of petrol isn't as much as it was whilst everything else has gone up in price? When I have the time and inclination, I'll actually put something together to compare it, just so we can see how much of shit you are.

Mpd72: I can categorically say i’m Brighter than that, no matter how I come across on here.
HAHAHA HAHAHA Blew Chilly MyCrowSystems
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Lord Percy
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PostPosted: 23:54 - 20 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:

For someone denying his alliegance to Labour, your comments seem odd.

Me? Show me the denial.

Pretty sure I'm the reddest member on this forum Laughing
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PostPosted: 00:10 - 21 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jewlio Rides Again wrote:
Wow, Donk's butthurt is strong.

But is it stable?
Biking is 1/20th as dangerous as horse riding.
GONE: HN125-8, LF-250B, GPz 305, GPZ 500S, Burgman 400 // RIDING: F650GS (800 twin), Royal Enfield Bullet Electra 500 AVL, Ninja 250R because racebike
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Jewlio Rides Again LLB
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PostPosted: 00:11 - 21 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rogerborg wrote:
Jewlio Rides Again wrote:
Wow, Donk's butthurt is strong.

But is it stable?

I wouldn't put money on it. In fact, I'd imagine he'd be one to go all Raoul Moat.
Mpd72: I can categorically say i’m Brighter than that, no matter how I come across on here.
HAHAHA HAHAHA Blew Chilly MyCrowSystems
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Jewlio Rides Again LLB
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PostPosted: 00:11 - 21 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lord Percy wrote:
mpd72 wrote:

For someone denying his alliegance to Labour, your comments seem odd.

Me? Show me the denial.

Pretty sure I'm the reddest member on this forum Laughing

Doubt it. Just because you spent time in China, don't make you no Commie.
Mpd72: I can categorically say i’m Brighter than that, no matter how I come across on here.
HAHAHA HAHAHA Blew Chilly MyCrowSystems
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Lord Percy
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PostPosted: 10:46 - 21 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:

Lord Percy wrote:
Sorry but this is more total nonsense from you.

During New Labour's years I was 9 to 19 years old, so the perfect age for being moulded into one of these people you speak of.

Looks like it worked then and Jon was right.

Classic case of finding two things, smashing them together then claiming correlation and causation.

It's a clear sign of idiocy if anyone really thinks 10 years of Labour governance had a direct affect on the voting habits of people who grew up in that time. What do you think happened in those years? Did Labour use secret socialist propaganda in schools and kids TV shows which parents were blissfully unaware of, creating a time bomb of raving socialists in future decades? What a conspiracy!

What about the those who voted for Labour after 20 years of Tory indoctrination? What happened there? Must be the Tories' fault. The voters were raised when the Tories were in office, after all. So the Tories caused Labour support in 1997, and Labour caused Labour support in 2017. That's the logic you and Jon are going by. Such wisdom, I'm impressed Karma
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 10:52 - 21 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:
No you tool, you don't know how much they took as dividends.

It's actually trivially easy to work out how much in dividends company directors took. While it is more difficult due to the small companies exemptions it's pretty easy if you know how.

Go to companies house.

Search for the company.

Search for the people in the company.

This will tell you the position directors, company secretary etc. This is also listed on the annual returns.

Then go to the abbreviated accounts/balance sheet. Section 6 is about members interests.

You can then compare the figures of profit attributable to members, the retained earnings and also the directors loan accounts.

While this doesn't give you an exact figure or the splits in regards to which member took what. It gives you a pretty good idea and all of the above isn't private information either.
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Lord Percy
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PostPosted: 10:59 - 21 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jewlio Rides Again wrote:

Doubt it. Just because you spent time in China, don't make you no Commie.

I'm moving to China in 24 days.

When locals ask me why I like the place, one thing I sometimes tell them is: 社会主义 Wink
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Jewlio Rides Again LLB
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PostPosted: 11:06 - 21 May 2017    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:

No you tool, you don't know how much they took as dividends. All you know is the rumour that some butt hurt grunt in accounts told you.

Maybe they resent their employers, like most basic employees, such as you?

Or, maybe I do know, seeing as the person who told us puts the figures through? Idea

No resentment from me, I've had decent payrises every year since I've been there, this last one was the lowest of the lot so far. They say you get out what you put in, and the work I put in (not to blow my own trumpet) put productivity up higher than it was previously, saving man hours as well as the convenience and the ability for anyone who works there to be able to do the things quickly and easily that only two of us did previously.

I just think you're miffed that I know more about what goes on within the company than you know about your own, despite you running it Laughing

Donk. Karma
Mpd72: I can categorically say i’m Brighter than that, no matter how I come across on here.
HAHAHA HAHAHA Blew Chilly MyCrowSystems
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