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Bovine Proctologist

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PostPosted: 19:23 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think you live in a very strange and angry world where you would consider it in any way OK to beat someone up for talking. Regardless of what they say.

The only time I can think of resorting to physical violence based on someones words rather than just countering or simply walking away is if they made credible threats of harm towards my nearest and dearest.
“Rule one: Always stick around for one more drink. That's when things happen. That's when you find out everything you want to know.
I did the 2010 Round Britain Rally on my 350 Bullet. 89 landmarks, 3 months, 9,500 miles.
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PostPosted: 19:37 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 .. it is evident that you are also on the spectrum.. not just this post but other pedantic offerings ...
Whatever I post I have no citation and no intention of providing one..
caveat emptor
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The Artist
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PostPosted: 19:47 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

I went to school with a couple of kids who were so far left of the spectrum, mpd would have them deported to autism land.

They really did not know better and could not think rationally. Sucks to be them because their life probably didn't go anywhere but at the time as an ignorant teenager, I thought they were cunts.

I know you won't but it would be nice if in a few years when you've had time to mature a bit, you come back and read some of your own posts on here because it is so depressing to read how angry you are at everything that isn't exactly to your liking.
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Not Work Safe

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PostPosted: 20:02 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

Copycat73 wrote:
mpd72 .. it is evident that you are also on the spectrum

He's got a whole spectrum all to himself. Shocked
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 23:06 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd's disconnected to the point of autism.
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Bovine Proctologist

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: 23:17 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:

“What you looking at” is generally a good way to start a fight.

The story was worded in the local rag to paint him as being beaten up for having autism. In reality, he provoked the pair, was warned and when he had a second opportunity later on, provoked them again.

Now this 17 year old could be seriously autistic, but on the other hand he could be just like all the other little shits who’s parents and school teachers use Autism as an excuse for his behaviour.

When he reaches 18 he can perfect talking to strangers in pubs with “did you just spill me pint” . Should go down just as well.

The point you totally missed is that it's not HIM that's the cunt. It's them. It would still be them if he wasn't autistic. What the fuck gives someone the right to "warn" (or put another way, threaten with violence) anyone else? There was no need for them to engage with him at all other than an unstable/pathological mental attitude on their part. They could easily have ignored him, which is what I generally do if someone is behaving like a dick around me. They chose not to, so it's all on them.

The person who starts a fight is the person who started the fight. Not the person who spilled their pint, looked at their bird, sat in their seat, wore the wrong colour t-shirt on a football weekend, "gave them lip", is black, muslim, gay or is generally stood about maliciously looking or sounding different to them.
“Rule one: Always stick around for one more drink. That's when things happen. That's when you find out everything you want to know.
I did the 2010 Round Britain Rally on my 350 Bullet. 89 landmarks, 3 months, 9,500 miles.
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Bovine Proctologist

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PostPosted: 23:30 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll relate a story about one such instance of "called my pint a poof" idiocy in a pub.

I was in a local pub with some mates, not one I'm a regular in. It was pretty empty. Nobody using the pool table. Nobody in the lounge at all as it happens. So we put a few coins down to have a few games.

Finshed the first game and a local rocks over and offers to have a game with one mate. Fine. He won. Next news he's all "winner stays on.". Politely told no, we've come in to play each other, there's three more people in the queue, if you want to play someone, put your money down and find someone who wants to play you.

Next news he's squaring up, f-ing and blinding and waving his queue about. Wants to see me outside. Classic wee angry man and I was the biggest lad there.

What do you do in that situation that by similar reasoning I "provoked"? Continue arguing? Let him play on? Stick the head on him? (can't say I wasn't tempted).

No. You go through into the bar and tell the landlord who comes through, tells him to leave and bars him for a fortnight. Which is exactly what did happen.
“Rule one: Always stick around for one more drink. That's when things happen. That's when you find out everything you want to know.
I did the 2010 Round Britain Rally on my 350 Bullet. 89 landmarks, 3 months, 9,500 miles.
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Bovine Proctologist

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PostPosted: 23:49 - 28 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:

Not sure how that’s relevant.

Would you walk up to two nasty looking strangers and say in a survey voice...

“Wot you looking at!?”

No you wouldn’t, because you’d stand a very good chance of them attacking you.

When they replied by telling you to shut it or you’ll get a beating, would you then, when you saw them again shortly after come out with the same

“Wot you looking at?!”.

Of course you wouldn’t. The attackers were twats, but the surly teen with mild “cuntism” was the one who created the confrontation, not once but twice and after being warned.

I wouldn't but it's still THEM who are wholly in the wrong because being asked what you are looking at is not an excuse for perpetrating physical violence on someone.

It's them who were unable to deal with the situation, they created it by their own attitude.

In short, their banter was shite. they could have come out with a witty riposte like "I just didn't think they stacked shite that high.".
“Rule one: Always stick around for one more drink. That's when things happen. That's when you find out everything you want to know.
I did the 2010 Round Britain Rally on my 350 Bullet. 89 landmarks, 3 months, 9,500 miles.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 00:23 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well the spectrum is measured in Hertz Razz
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 00:48 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do believe that autism exists at some level, but I also believe it has social conditioning. Being allowed to get away with anti-social behavior because you are on a spectrum is wrong. Wrong for the individual and wrong for society. Pampering to the autistic is wrong. I have had to deal hands on with my job the results of such pampering and excuses. It isn't nice for all concerned. Sometimes the smacked arse is the answer, smacked at the right time for the right reason. Social exclusion also works if done at the right time in the right way. Pandering to the excuse of autism and claiming every anti-social act is down to autism will not resolve the issue.
Correcting poor behavior within all forms of society and species by appropriate violence does work. It has worked for millions of years, pretending it doesn't is very naive to the extreme.
Just because someone has an "ism" doesn't mean they have carte blanche to do what they want no matter how it affects others.
Famous last words of Humpty Dumpty. " Stop pushing me "
Petty Anarchists look at "1984".............. The Visionary looks at "Animal Farm".
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The Artist
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PostPosted: 05:59 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:
The Artist wrote:
I went to school with a couple of kids who were so far left of the spectrum, mpd would have them deported to autism land.

They really did not know better and could not think rationally. Sucks to be them because their life probably didn't go anywhere but at the time as an ignorant teenager, I thought they were cunts.

I know you won't but it would be nice if in a few years when you've had time to mature a bit, you come back and read some of your own posts on here because it is so depressing to read how angry you are at everything that isn't exactly to your liking.

Did it ever cross your mind that they might just have been cunts?

Yes, if you read my post, that is exactly what I said. However I was young and didn't really understand what autism was or how it affected people.

mpd72 wrote:

Nobody in modern blame culture is responsible for their actions.

Bad parenting has produced lots of little cunts. The parents won’t take the blame so look for an excuse. Low and behold, 1 in 5 kids suddenly has autism.

The point is, you can read that story as the 17 year old having no control over his vocal chords due to his diagnoses “ism”. You could also see that he’s a cocky little shit with a bad attitude and rubbed the wrong people up, the wrong way, not once, but twice.

Ah but much victim, many autism...

Yeah you could, which is why I leave such judgement to doctors and other professionals who are trained to identify mental conditions rather than reading an article online and judging the situation based on that.

Autism isn't an excuse for being a cunt but it is a reason and if a grown adult can't restrain themselves from a violent response because someone said something to them, then they deserve to be locked up.

Violent responses have no place in modern society. If you think it was justified, go live with ISIS where they love that sort of thing.
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The Artist
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PostPosted: 10:52 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:

But you've just contradicted yourself. As you got conditioned into modern virtue signalling ways

It's called growing up.
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The Artist
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PostPosted: 11:14 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 wrote:

Is it feck. It's called having your opinion programmed by the lefty liberal media and education. That's not getting older and wiser, it's getting older and following someone else's agenda.

Many kids are little shits nowadays. If you really believe 1 in 5 has autism when the vast majority are just little shits who've had poor parenting, you're lefty liberal programming has been successful. Thumbs Up

Everyone's a fecking victim nowadays, there's always someone else to blame for your own fuck ups and poor behaviour. When did society stop being responsible for their own actions?

I don't believe 1 in 5 kids has Autism, never said that, you said you heard that somewhere.

Stop trying to push your agenda that this beating was somehow justified because this kid, autism or not, said something.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 11:46 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its been pointed out a number of times that autims rates are nothing like 1 in 5.

The CDC lists autism rates as 1 in 59 and figures for the uk suggest its about 1.1% of the child population
"The guy is a worthless cunt and I honestly believe I would be a slightly happier person if he died." - Chris-Red
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The Artist
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PostPosted: 11:50 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

duhawkz wrote:
Its been pointed out a number of times that autims rates are nothing like 1 in 5.

The CDC lists autism rates as 1 in 59 and figures for the uk suggest its about 1.1% of the child population

So what you are saying is that mpd has been brainwashed by righty conservative propaganda and his anger is based on nothing, and he is being used as a tool by the powerful elite to further their political agendas?

Say it ain't so!
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Jewlio Rides Again LLB
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PostPosted: 13:30 - 29 Nov 2019    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like how you're calling him a cunt for provoking a reaction, yet you do that all day every day in here. What are you going to do when the day comes you get your turn because of something you said to someone online? Will that be because you're autism personified?
Mpd72: I can categorically say i’m Brighter than that, no matter how I come across on here.
HAHAHA HAHAHA Blew Chilly MyCrowSystems
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