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2 hour wait for an ambulance

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PostPosted: 15:26 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

UnknownStuntman wrote:
Pjay wrote:
What was your elderly neighbour doing in the road at night in her nightie?
Putting some food out for the foxes, naturally!

Sounds like if the OP hadn't done his stuff she would have achieved her aim admirably Shocked
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Not Work Safe

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PostPosted: 15:34 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone can see a doctor without registering.

You don't need documents to show you're in the country legally to register with a GP.

It's not an issue for the NHS to address, the Boarder Force should be dealing with it.

I believe that a large part of the problem for the police is how they're not 'backed up' by the courts as it must be very demoralising to see all the soft sentences handed out. Sure, 11 properties might have been broken into in one night and there could be some evidence which links someone to one of the properties but that's not the same as proving beyond reasonable doubt that they did it. Chances are local police would be able to draw up a short list of likely suspects.

Might be thinking of someone else but grr, in a different thread didn't you say how there's been a bail hostel or something like that open nearby?
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PostPosted: 15:42 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

You only have to walk into an A&E to see where the problem lies.
I don't even live in a very multi cultural area and my local A&E is awash with people who are obviously new to the country. Only 15 years ago, the place would have maybe 5 people on the 50 or so seats on an average midweek daytime. Now there are queues at the desk at all times.

Not opening new hospitals and closing A&E departments have turned the experience into a place where you would question if its viable to go there if you need your life saving in a rush. I'd guess that a quick flight to Portugal would be a safer bet.
struan80 - I'll go first - satisfied tick 1
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Not Work Safe

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PostPosted: 15:58 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

a&e is full of people who don't need to be at a&e.
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Not Work Safe

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PostPosted: 16:32 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

The unnecessary a&e people aren't immigrants here to use the NHS, they're people with trivial complaints or minor ailments that should ve dealt with at a minor injury unit, by a nurse (staff nurse or nurse prescriber if appropriate) at the local gp surgery or at home with some basic first aid.

I expect that there's a direct correlation between how close to a&e someone lives and how likely they are to make stupid unnecessary trips to a&e.

Sorting out immigration stuff and health service tourism can't be policed by the NHS. The boarder force are the people with the necessary powers to uphold those laws so they're the ones who need to sort themselves out.
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PostPosted: 16:49 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

Too many people for the NHS to cope with these days.

Not just immigration, but people living longer hence more elderly dependents. This will get worse as the baby boomer generation is just about hitting the golden age of care.

Also, lots of people ringing 999 with stories along the lines of 'someone's vandalized my snowman'

I'm awaiting lots more 'NHS in crisis' headlines in the coming years.

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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 17:46 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 CPT wrote:
M.C wrote:
The cuts to the NHS have been well publicised.

Yep, by those with an agenda.

These prices are converted into 2016-17 real term pricing.

Or another massive cut?

Even your own graphs show what the Tories have done with NHS spending Rolling Eyes As I said have this argument with Google, multiple right and left wing press outlets must all have an 'agenda'.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 18:08 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 CPT wrote:
Yep, increased it. Rolling Eyes

You genuinely struggle to understand very basic things don't you.

mpd72 CPT wrote:
I blame immigration

Didn't see that one coming.
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Spanner Monkey

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PostPosted: 18:27 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello, Im a paramedic.

To put things into perspective, today there will be approximately 100-120 ambulances covering the entirety of greater London. We recieve a average of between 5-6000 calls per day. You do the maths.

You want to know why the waiting times are terrible and who to blame? Its not immigrants. Its not the EU.

1. Endless austerity and budget cuts.

2. A rapidly ageing population being kept alive longer and longer by the miracle that is modern medicine, yet they're living with more complex co-morbidities and as a result spending more time calling ambulances and taking up long term beds in hospitals. Instead of dying of flu, now little old Doris is spending 8 weeks in intensive care blocking a bed with flu, before dying, or waiting another 6 months in a bed before they can find a care home space to send her to. As a result theres no beds for the ambulance to offload its patient, so we're standing in a corridor for hours til they can convert a cleaners cupboard into a bedroom.

3. The never ending amount of calls from utter morons calling 999 for the most trivial of things rather than see their GP. Today I attended to:

- A 20-something year old who was sitting IN A CAR on the street and decided to pull over and call 999 because of some abdominal pain theyve had for 3 days and apparently have no way of getting to hospital. They've not taken any painkillers, nor tried to see their GP. They also demand to go to a hospital on the other side of the city and refuse to go to any of the local hospitals (You dont get to choose where you go, unless theres a clinical reason for it - such as having a stroke and needing to go to a stroke center, you go to the nearest hospital. We're an emergency ambulance, not a taxi)

- A homeless person who called from outside the A&E department with "sore feet, unable to move", they'd already been told several times that day by the A&E doctors to stop wasting their time, theyre not having a bed for the night.

- Someone who decided because they felt a bit sad they were going to drink a whole bottle of vodka then call 999 saying they wanted to die, then spend hours with us on scene saying they didnt want to go to hospital. But we're not allowed to simply go "ok cheerio-bye then".

- Someone who has had "shortness of breath" for a year, and decided to stop taking their medication a month ago, and for the last month theyve been feeling worse. But they dont want to see their GP, or take their medication because they dont like it.

- Someone whos drunk on a bus and "collapsed, unconscious", because the driver has got to the end of his route and theyre too pissed to get off the bus.

None of these warranted an ambulance, or even a trip to A&E. But nobody wants to be the call handler who says "no youre not getting an ambulance" and then they die.

And as for the being on a "go slow" I find that disgustingly offensive. You are more than welcome to come do a Friday/Saturday night shift in inner London with me and see how "slow" we work.

We are ALWAYS on the clock, everything we do is recorded and timed by computer, we're expected to be on scene for no less than 45 minutes with a patient, 30 in "time critical" patients. You ever tried convincing a paranoid suicidal person they have to go to hospital in <45 minutes? Or stabilising, packaging and preparing to transport a pedestrian whos just been hit by a lorry and broken their everything in <30 minutes?

We're allowed 14 minutes at hospital after we offload a patient. Barely enough time to have a piss and a coffee to go from a vending machine if we're lucky.

We only get a break if theres no held calls to give to us (theres always held calls, according to my annual statistics this year I've had 6 breaks. Thats about 1 break every 2 months of shifts) The end of our shift isnt the end of our shift, it's just the time they cant send us any more calls. We then have to drive from the hospital back to the ambulance station, which if your shift ends at 6pm and you have to drive to the station in inner city rush hour traffic can easily take you an hour to do a couple of miles, then offload all your kit, clean down and hand over the vehicle to the next crew taking over. Every day I'm a minimum of 30-40 minutes late finishing.

So yes, it sucks that Little Old Doris had to wait in the cold, but it's not the ambulance service's fault. It's the Tories and the idiots who cant take responsibility for themselves fault.

I am entirely convinced that the Tories are setting the NHS up to fail by cutting it to breaking point, at which point they will swoop in with the likes of G4S and "oh look at this marvellous private hospital we'll subsidise for you... the NHS isnt fit for purpose so lets help it out a bit... oh I guess we just dont need the NHS anymore then, I hope you like having private healthcare insurance like America!" and I truly believe we will see the death of the NHS in our lifetime.

But by all means feel free to complain for all the good it will do.

Last edited by Tierbirdy on 19:17 - 19 Dec 2018; edited 1 time in total
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 18:39 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 CPT wrote:
In the last 10 years NHS spending has increased by over 35%.

Look at the first 5 years when the Tories came to power, this is what they do, they make short-sighted 'savings' that end up costing more in the long run. They're still playing catch-up and cutting services (again Google is your friend).

And before you start with this recession stuff again (like the other day), do people stop getting sick during a recession?

Now you're arguing with a paramedic Rolling Eyes
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Spanner Monkey

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PostPosted: 18:49 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 CPT wrote:
Tierbirdy wrote:
Its not immigrants. Its not the EU.

Oh really? What is it then, because people I know in A&E disagree. My own experiences also disagree.

Tierbirdy wrote:
1. Endless austerity and budget cuts.

You're ignoring that spending has gone up 35% in the last 10 years because it doesn't suit your agenda then?

Tierbirdy wrote:
2. A rapidly ageing population

Oh, I see, blame the old but not immigrants for adding to the population. How very left wing of you. Life expectancy is no longer increasing btw, but immigration is.

Tierbirdy wrote:
3. The never ending amount of calls from utter morons calling 999 for the most trivial of things rather than see their GP. Today I attended to:

But definitely all white indigenous time wasters and no immigrants, in London Yeah right, pull the other one.

Race has nothing to do with it. Theres useless time wasters of all colours, creeds and nationalities. "White indigenous" people are equally as capable of being feckless as any other. Poverty has increased massively and social mobility is all but dead in the water. Poor people with poor levels of education, regardless of skin colour or nationality, are far more likely to use 999/A&E inappropriately.

The old are more to "blame" (its not a blame game), because generally they have more complex medical needs that occur more frequently and take up more time and resources to fix than the "immigrants" youre so keen on blaming.

Generally the waste of space (immigrant or not) can be assessed and discharged back to see their GP within a few hours. Maybe given a box of cocodamol to make them think something has been done. However the elderly are the ones that spend days, weeks or even months on a ward recovering from urosepsis (no thats nothing to do with Europe) or undergoing physio from breaking their hip after falling over crossing the street.

I have no "agenda" here as you put it. NHS spending may be up 35% but thats a drop in the ocean compared to what it needs.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 18:51 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tierbirdy wrote:
it sucks that Little Old Doris had to wait in the cold, but it's not the ambulance service's fault. It's the Tories and the idiots who cant take responsibility for themselves fault.

But from what Doris's attending paramedics apparently said, don't you agree that in her case the major issue was a breakdown in communication? ie, she ought to have been triaged above all those appalling wastes of oxygen that you described? But seemingly wasn't?
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 19:11 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tierbirdy wrote:
Race has nothing to do with it. Theres useless time wasters of all colours, creeds and nationalities. "White indigenous" people are equally as capable of being feckless as any other. Poverty has increased massively and social mobility is all but dead in the water. Poor people with poor levels of education, regardless of skin colour or nationality, are far more likely to use 999/A&E inappropriately.

It's all too easy to blame immigrants when you go to A&E and see first hand that the place is rammed to exits with immigrants.

Like I said, my local one is and I dont even live in a highly mixed area. This leafy part of Hertfordshire is overwhelmingly white middle class, yet they are there daily in their hundreds. I can only imagine that they travel there thinking it will be less busy than their local one.

Anyone that thinks immigration isn't a problem, they only need to go their local A&E and look around. Sure there are other problems with the NHS, but none are so publicly accessible to see first hand than these queues of people all wanting to be treated.

Maybe they dont have a GP and just need some pills, I dont know as I I'm not a trained professional, but they certainly dont look like they are in any urgent need for medical help. I remember being in a London A&E about 25 years ago when I gashed my hand open and was bleeding quite badly and the place had about 30 or so people there and pretty much all of them looked to be in some form of distress, including one guy with a pick axe through his foot.

Claiming immigration is not a problem is not fooling me. It is a problem for the NHS as they haven't increased their infrastructure to deal with these people. Maybe opening more drop in centres for them in towns is the way to go, but its clear what we have isn't working.
struan80 - I'll go first - satisfied tick 1
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Spanner Monkey

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PostPosted: 19:16 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

Freddyfruitbat wrote:

But from what Doris's attending paramedics apparently said, don't you agree that in her case the major issue was a breakdown in communication? ie, she ought to have been triaged above all those appalling wastes of oxygen that you described? But seemingly wasn't?

Possibly, yes. Generally elderly fallers in public places/outdoors are triaged as a high catagory. I strongly doubt that a call handler managed to miss "outside in the street with obvious leg deformity" 3 times. Many many times I've been to Doris who'd been on the floor all night because shes in her own home and uninjured shes a low priority and spends hours waiting. Its utterly heartbreaking to know shes had to wait several hours because we've been busy with feckless wastrels.

However its also impossible to know what was else is going on in the area, I don't know where OP lives - if its in the rural middle of nowhere it may well only have 2-3 ambulances covering the entire area. Was there a RTC on the other side of town tying up 4 ambulances? A mental health patient with a crew who've been on scene for 3 hours trying to convince them to go to hospital a few streets away? There's also frequently time wasters lying/exaggerating about their problem to get a faster response... the 25yr old with a bit of manflu who calls up saying he has "difficulty breathing" will be triaged as immediately life threatening, or the passerby on the other side of the road who calls in a homeless drunk person sleeping in the street as "I think they're not breathing... but I don't want to go and check" and once a crew turns up they cant just go "oh FFS this is a load of BS, see-ya later we're out of here." Believe me there are plenty of people I'd love to be able to say that to, but once we make patient contact we have a legal obligation and duty of care to fully assess them which isnt a quick process.

The NHS is stretched to breaking point, ambulance service included. The vast majority of people calling 999 and/or going to A&E do not need to be there. The ones sitting in the waiting room looking fit and healthy absolutely usually do not need to be there. But they're there, and have to be assessed and treated regardless. They're also usually the ones you hear complaining very loudly that they've had to wait 4 hours to see a doctor. Outrageous.

Hospitals are also being closed, or having A&E departments shut at a record rate. The area in which I work used to have 3 A&Es to choose from. Now it has 1, and a minor injuries hospital which is only open til 10pm and doesnt accept anything more complex than a hurty finger. Yet they havent increased the size or capacity of the remaining hospitals. The NHS is constantly being expected to do more with less.

What would help fix the problem is a mass public education program, and more funding to intermediate care services. People dont want to wait 5 days for an appointment at their GP, and a mental health crisis team who only operate Monday to Thursday 9-3 are no good to anyone outside those hours. Homeless shelters are full and with nowhere else to turn the homeless are going to A&E with "chest pains" because they know they'll at least get a hot drink and sandwich and a few hours in the warm.
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PostPosted: 19:45 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

M.C wrote:
..... another guy 90 mins when he discovered his mum wasn't breathing (she did die).

One of my ex's dad had a heart attack when he was 47, took the ambulance an well over an hour to get there, by which point there was nothing they could do

M.C wrote:
I assume like the rest of the NHS the ambulance service's stretched to breaking point.

This and previous governments answer to that is to cut the funding even more, just to show that we REALLY need to privatise the NHS (as they are doing slowly, but surely) Rolling Eyes
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Sister Sledge
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PostPosted: 19:49 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jumping in as someone who's been in and out the hospital system for decades - I'm quite complicated I'm told..

Ambulances have genuinely been good for me over the years. They come when they can and do what they can - a bit like the police they have their problems. For me as an ambulance patient I hit problems once I get to hospital - they don't want patients. The reality is I'll be dragged back to hospital within 12 hours and perhaps I'll be kept in hospital. That's an extra pointless trip by ambulance drivers when they've better things to be doing.

The police? Never liked them and despise them now. My brother hung himself 3 months ago. Sis in Law was in pieces (too much family tragedy in her own life) and police were instructed to travel 4 miles to see myself and my Dad - my brothers dad too. The police didn't come. My Dad found out that one of his sons had died from someone in a town shopping street, 4 days after the event. I found out the next day. Police claimed they were too busy etc.
Like I said, I have no time for the police. True this - I had to drive into another town, scream at civilian workers at a police desk and demand that a police officer tell me if my brother was actually dead. It took officers 5 hours to come and tell me. A shift change was blamed but I know that was bollocks because I know when their shifts change.

Back to NHS.
I'm complicated. I'm only allowed to see one doctor in my practice because he knows me the best. 4 Months ago I requested some help. Doctor has not delivered. I've now had to wait 17 days to see my doctor since making an appointment (which is why minor ailments land at hospitals..) and it's tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm going to have it out with my doctor. I'm going to demand help/treatment. If he fails to deliver I'm demanding my second opinion. If that's refused then it's chat to the practice manager. If that doesn't work then after all these years, I'm off to join another practice. If I do that then it's basically back to square one and most of my treatment will be assessed and gone over again - the NHS doesn't have time for that shite.
Apathy and overload is a huge problem within the NHS. It's real people who are suffering because of this shit everywhere.
I really hope the old lady is well.
CCM 404 DS
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 19:58 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

mpd72 CPT wrote:
I believe lefties are programmed to blame the Tories for everything, while pretending uncontrolled immigration is nothing to do with any of the countries woes.

And vice versa for the right?
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Not Work Safe

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PostPosted: 22:39 - 19 Dec 2018    Post subject: Reply with quote

a&e departments need to be far more ruthless with triaging new arrivals.

Which political party did this that or the other and who caused what is all irrelevant when it comes to addressing problems that the NHS faces.

Ste for PM, I'll deport everyone!!! Thumbs Up
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