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Mrs Sensible

Joined: 10 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: 01:05 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Weird. Reply with quote

We just had a visitor in the chat...

*** ArgentinO ( has joined channel #bikechatforums
<ArgentinO> hello
<ArgentinO> hola
<Bendy> hola
<stee> hola
<ArgentinO> Very Happy
<_Danny|> ay up
<carvell> bonjour
<Bendy> i didnt Sad
<ArgentinO> de donde este canal ?
<stee> oui
<Bendy> si
* Bendy slaps ste
<stee> ich bin eien english
<robby__> fucking hobbits
<Ian|GPZ> aye, me too, and Amiga 500, and Atari 520 / 1040FM ....
<Hex-> i actually still have one Cool
<robby__> no your not
<Bendy> ste est ein hobbit
<stee> nein
<robby__> i still have my atari XE
<_Danny|> lol
<ArgentinO> Bendy de donde es este canal ?
<Ian|GPZ> I had the XL
<carvell> do donde es sy vein englisch site wraprorp keh
<Ian|GPZ> 800XL
<stee> lol
<Bendy> my hovercraft is full of eels
<stee> nice
<ArgentinO> no hablo english
<ArgentinO> sorry
<Bendy> i vill not buy this record, eet ees scratched
<carvell> sie parrot is dead
<Bendy> 'si' is about as far as i go Sad
<carvell> kaput
<Ian|GPZ> bin it
<_Danny|> amigo
<ArgentinO> nadie habla español ?
<stee> no
<stee> Confused
<carvell> hola
<Bendy> susi does
<_Danny|> where's susi when u need her
<carvell> ich talken spanishinshen
<Bendy> susi habla espanol
<_Danny|> susi drinking
<ArgentinO> yes
<carvell> suasi isntig hereoro thoughoug
<ArgentinO> hablo poco english
<carvell> are you from BCF?
<ArgentinO> maso menos
<carvell> come again?
<carvell> well i doubt you are from BCF actually
<carvell> we'd probably spot you
<Bendy> el susi habla español que ella está bebiendo sin embargo
<Bendy> (Link:
<carvell> that garbles it up
<Bendy> and you dont? :p
<carvell> you've proabbly confused the poor person more now
<ArgentinO> susi- hi!
<carvell> no, i speak perfect spanish
<_Danny|> ¿Usted monta una moto?
<carvell> see, you've confused him now, poor lad
<carvell> whats "we cant talk spanish for shit, but susi can, but she's not her"
<carvell> here
<Bendy> Susi no está aquí.
<ArgentinO> mmm
<ArgentinO> ok
<ArgentinO> Sad
<Bendy> Ella está bebiendo el alcohol.
<carvell> hah!
<ArgentinO> juaaaa
<carvell> ask him how he found the room
<carvell> or her, whatever
*** Signoff: Hex-Lapto (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Bendy> you ask
<carvell> ok
<ArgentinO> okis
<carvell> how did you find the room ArgentinO?
<_Danny|> ¿Cómo usted encontró este sitio?
<Bendy> Ella puede ser que se vuelva más adelante.
<carvell> ¿cómo usted encontró este sitio de la charla?
<ArgentinO> ta' bien
<Bendy> Usted es agradable. Smile
<susi-> bendy u speak spanish?
<Bendy> no Razz
<carvell> no - we're using the internet!
<ArgentinO> ja
<Bendy> (Link: is my friend
<susi-> nunca me degiste nada
<susi-> ah i see
<carvell> susis gonan say that we're all a bunch of losers or something
<carvell> in spanish
*** Hex-Lapto ( has joined channel #bikechatforums
<ArgentinO> Bendy de donde sos ?
<carvell> i think thats "where are you from, bendy"
<carvell> but i may be wrong
<Bendy> London
<ArgentinO> ahh
<_Danny|> Scotland Wink
<carvell> we're all wee jocks
<ArgentinO> bueno me voy porque nadie me entiende
<ArgentinO> chauuuu
<_Danny|> chau
<Bendy> chau
<carvell> "good I go away because nobody understands to me"
<carvell> lol
<Bendy> good I go away because nobody understands to me
<Bendy> awww
<_Danny|> reunión agradable usted
<carvell> tell him he can stay
<ArgentinO> juaaaa
<carvell> even though noone understands anything
<ArgentinO> tan' todos re loko aca
<ArgentinO> me parese
<robby__> mmm
<Bendy> Usted puede permanecer. Es diversión.
<ArgentinO> ¥
<carvell> roby would deport him at the first given oppurtunity
<Hex-> right I is off peeps
<_Danny|> lol
<Hex-> catch you all later
<_Danny|> night gav
<Bendy> except this translater doesnt do spanish - english very well LOL
<Bendy> bye gav
<carvell> bye bye gav
*** Signoff: Maurice1 (Quit: Leaving)
<Hex-> (wave)
<carvell> bendy, apparently you just said "You can remain. It is diversion."
<_Danny|> i think she knows
<Bendy> ummkay
<ArgentinO> yo estoy en irak
<ArgentinO> Razz
<ArgentinO> jajajja
<carvell> yeah but i was wondering, what the hell does "it is diversion" mean in proper english?
<carvell> i see iraq!
<Bendy> Carvell ist homosexuell.
<ArgentinO> posta
*** Hex- has left #bikechatforums
<Bendy> he's in iraq
<ArgentinO> sip
<carvell> bendy es la señora lesbiana
<_Danny|> Donde en Iraq
<Bendy> feckoff
<ArgentinO> atentado usa!
<_Danny|> lol
<ArgentinO> posta!
<Bendy> ¿Usted tiene una moto?
<ArgentinO> sip
<Bendy> or are you just pleased to see me
<Bendy> Very Happy
<_Danny|> sea parte posteriora de la derecha, piss de la necesidad
<carvell> ¿por qué está usted en Iraq?
<Bendy> having a conversation in spanish and english while sining a song in gaelic is a headfuck
<robby__> ahh. headfuck.
*** James_sho (~trillian@ has joined channel #bikechatforums
<Bendy> sea parte posteriora de la derecha, piss de la necesidad
<Bendy> wot?
<Bendy> be posteriora part of the right, piss of the necessity
<Bendy> ???
<Bendy> (poke) Danny
<_Danny|> brb, need piss
<Bendy> LMAO
<_Danny|> thats what it's supposed to say
<_Danny|> brb
<ArgentinO> carvell esto por la guerra
<ArgentinO> Razz
<carvell> uh oh
<carvell> oh
<Bendy> what's spanish for 'bummer' ?
<James_sho> evning
<_Danny|> para quién usted trabaja?
<Bendy> evening james
<carvell> ¿está usted en el ejército?
<James_sho> lo bendy
<ArgentinO> yo estoy en un grupo de irak
<ArgentinO> de los malos
<ArgentinO> no de los buenos
<Bendy> great, he's a terrorist
<_Danny|> lol
<carvell> 11:41pm| (Argentine) I am in a group of Iraq 11:41pm| (Argentine) of
<carvell> bad 11:41pm| (Argentine) not of the good ones
<carvell> yeah, lol
*** _Danny| has changed the topic on channel #bikechatforums to Welcome to
<Bendy> Danny está en el ejército polaco de la liberación
<ArgentinO> si?
<_Danny|> ¿Qué usted piensa en la gente de Inglaterra?
<stee> wtf are you talking?
<Bendy> Pero no lo creemos
<ArgentinO> danny te voy a matar
<ArgentinO> jaja
<Bendy> spanish stephen
<ArgentinO> Razz
<_Danny|> danny I am going to you to kill
<Bendy> LMAO
<_Danny|> thanks bendy :Roll:
<Bendy> No mate a Danny. Tenemos gusto de él.
<_Danny|> ¿Por qué usted va a matarme?
<Bendy> Él es pequeño y melenudo.
<ArgentinO> juaaaaaaaaaaa
<James_sho> wtf is going on?
<Bendy> we're speaking spanish with an iraqui terrorist
<ArgentinO> alguien que viva en usa ?
<_Danny|> we're talking to a spanish speaking terrorist in Iraq
<carvell> yeap, we are
<James_sho> ah
<Bendy> isnt the internet brilliant
<stee> ¿Por qué somos el hablar españoles adentro aquí?
<carvell> a day in the lift of BCF
<Ian|GPZ> lol
*** Signoff: carvell (Quit: brb)
<stee> el inglés está mucho mejor
<_Danny|> someone needs to post these irc logs
*** Signoff: Hex-Lapto (Read error: Operation timed out)
<ArgentinO> stee no
<stee> El terrorismo es mmk incorrecto
<ArgentinO> es un quilombo en inglis
<_Danny|> ¿Qué usted piensa en Saddam?
<Bendy> scorchio
<Ian|GPZ> ¿Tan porqué estamos haciendo esto?
<Bendy> chris waddell
<stee> "he is quilombo in inglis" ?
<stee> lol
<ArgentinO> yes stee
<stee> ¿Usted apoya Osama Bin Laden?
<ArgentinO> ajam
<ArgentinO> por eso estoy en un grupo de irak de los malos no de los buenos
<ArgentinO> por eso
*** carvell ( has joined channel #bikechatforums
<Bendy> hmm
<_Danny|> ¿usted tienen gusto de tirar abajo a los aviones civiles occidentales?
<carvell> oh god, still at it
<Bendy> yup
<stee> for that reason I am in a group of Iraq of the bad ones not of the good ones
<Ian|GPZ> ¡Ésta sería diversión si podría leer a españoles, pero, alas no puedo!
<stee> ¿es usted un Oompa Loompa?
<ArgentinO> _Danny| yes
<Bendy> you have taste to throw down to the western civil airplanes?
<robby__> he won't be getting past me
<carvell> lol robby
<ArgentinO> atentado con aviones
<_Danny|> Voy a ser piloto. No me tire por favor abajo.
<ArgentinO> como las torres gemelas
<ArgentinO> juaaaaaaaaa
<stee> Lascia per fare questo più interessante e per aggiungere un certo italiano dentro pure
<ArgentinO> danny morite!!
<carvell> "like the twin towers"
<Ian|GPZ> ¿Podemos ahora ir de nuevo a nuestra lengua materna o es que demasiado a pedir?
<_Danny|> como las torres gemelas
<_Danny|> [11:45] <ArgentinO> juaaaaaaaaa
<_Danny|> lol, thats 2 death threats so far
<Bendy> nice
<ArgentinO> danny no entendes nada mejor
<ArgentinO> shhhh
<ArgentinO> ok ?
<stee> ????, ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???. ??!
<Bendy> i think i'm having a dream
<stee> dammit
<carvell> danny not entendes nothing better
<robby__> he could at least do something aabout it. like loosen off your axle
<stee> doesn't do Korean
<_Danny|> no entienda
<Bendy> Robby intentó matar a Danny. No trabaja.
<_Danny|> btw it looks like he is in texas
*** ArgentinO is (
*** on channels: #bikechatforums
*** on irc via server * (The Undernet Underworld)
<Bendy> .ar
<carvell> hmm
<robby__> fucking yanks
<carvell> .ar
<_Danny|> ArgentinO on #bikechatforums #texas
<carvell> what is .ar ?
<carvell> i'll see
<Bendy> argentina Rolling Eyes
<_Danny|> maybe texas server
<robby__> argentia?
<carvell> oh
<carvell> yeah
<carvell> lol
<Bendy> tld
<robby__> or arkansaw
<robby__> arizona
<ArgentinO> Rolling Eyes ?
<Bendy> arkansaw doesnt have a top level domain tobert
<robby__> ok
<_Danny|> ¿Es el osma atractivo?
<ArgentinO> lol
<ArgentinO> jua
<_Danny|> lol
<robby__> "slight"
<_Danny|> he just said he thinks osama is sexy
*** Signoff: Syfoon (Quit)
<ArgentinO> che nadie sabe la pagina esa para bajarme el "Killer zombie" ?
<_Danny|> lol
<Bendy> Che nobody knows to the pagina that to lower to me to the "Killer zombie"?
<ArgentinO> no
<ArgentinO> ese no
<Bendy> he's a suicide bomber LOL
<_Danny|> lol
* robby__ pokes bendy
<_Danny|> ok
* Bendy kicks robby's absurdly small head
* Bendy ducks
* robby__ puts helmet on
* Bendy grabs danny and hides him under the desk
* robby__ throws duck at bendy
<_Danny|> what did I do?
<Bendy> i'm protecting you
<_Danny|> ok thanks Smile
<Bendy> you're welcome
<Bendy> could hoover up the crumbs while you're down there
<ArgentinO> where are you from, susi-?
<ArgentinO> y ?
<_Danny|> lol
<ArgentinO> bueno me voy bye
<ArgentinO> chauuuuuu
*** ArgentinO has left #bikechatforums
<carvell> bye bye argentina man
<_Danny|> bye mr terrorist who thinks osama is sexy
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Ian (GPX)
Brolly Dolly

Joined: 05 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: 01:08 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Reply with quote

ROLF ... Bendy's Karma just gone down a few ! Twisted Evil
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Borekit Bruiser

Joined: 23 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: 01:36 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol, that's funny Smile

Weird, but still funny Razz
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Attention Whore

Joined: 03 May 2003
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PostPosted: 01:39 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Reply with quote

ROFLMFAO Laughing Laughing
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"I'm either going to teach andy to get his knee down, or I'm going to get him killed. One of the two" - Teaman
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Borekit Bruiser

Joined: 23 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: 02:06 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmm, much strangness.

How can i double post 30 odd minutes after first post?

Last edited by skippy on 02:27 - 31 Dec 2003; edited 1 time in total
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Attention Whore

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PostPosted: 02:07 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Reply with quote

ROFLMFAO Laughing Laughing
____________________ My Bike!

"I'm either going to teach andy to get his knee down, or I'm going to get him killed. One of the two" - Teaman
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If it's good enough for top race teams...

Joined: 03 Feb 2002
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PostPosted: 09:48 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Re: Weird. Reply with quote

Bendy wrote:
We just had a visitor in the chat...

*** ArgentinO ( has joined channel #bikechatforums
<ArgentinO> hello
<ArgentinO> hola
<Bendy> hola
<stee> hola
<ArgentinO> Very Happy
<_Danny|> ay up
<carvell> bonjour

I like to see that you may have been struggling with the Spanish lingo but even the Polish boy can speak like a Yorkshire man. Laughing
"Unlike public school you don't need to have your arse up and your head down to go a long way...."
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World Chat Champion

Joined: 02 Feb 2002
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PostPosted: 10:42 - 31 Dec 2003    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a weirdo Confused
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The Doctor

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PostPosted: 13:00 - 02 Jan 2004    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sometimes I really regret that I can't get into IRC from work! Laughing
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Two Stroke Sniffer

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PostPosted: 13:30 - 02 Jan 2004    Post subject: Reply with quote

theres a chat room?
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Not Work Safe

Joined: 01 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: 13:41 - 02 Jan 2004    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is indeed.

Have a read of this
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