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Paddy's biking life, how it started.. to now!

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Red Rocket

Joined: 14 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: 01:57 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Paddy's biking life, how it started.. to now! Reply with quote

Paddy's biking life, how it started.. to now!

Warning, this shit is long, talking Teflon stylee.. grab a drink Laughing

Part 1.

Thought I might as well write this up, hopefully gives a few people an insight into various aspects of biking and how everyone's experience differs.

Was riding about a bit prior to this without licence, but I really cannot bother writing out all the illegal shit, not proud of it as looking back, I was a liability on the road and I could have ruined some peoples lives... but onwards!

June 18th 2007 - Cityfly

On this date, I purchased my first bike, without telling the parents and without having a valid CBT. Brother in law picked up for me and rode back from Cambridge. Nice little Honda CityFly 125. Unfortunately my dad was then given the news that I required his garage Wink so despite being very disappointed in me, they let me store it there. I then broke the news that I needed a lift...

June 20th 2007 - CBT my CBT. This was done locally, I've never felt so stressed. I wore a green hoody which looked black due to the amount of sweat! Little 07 plate YBR, fell off a few times, rode into a parked bus etc. Pretty standard noob mistakes of not looking where you are going, too much brake etc. Happy to say I was safe enough for the road ride, which is where I felt I was far better, being under constant watch of people was really driving me up the wall but on the road I felt at ease. Left with my DL196 Mr. Green

Went ahead and insured the beast, went for a ride with my brother in law, make sure I'm all good on my own then rode home myself, like a true big boy. Left the lights on when parked up and came back to a flat battery and a quick call out to my brother Laughing

Life was good at that point, was loving the freedom. Then I got a bit of a shock...

July 19th 2007 - 1st off

Riding in the rain after visiting the other half at the time. Heading home through the town centre, not ridden in the rain yet, passed in summer, thought nothing of it. Ended up going through a green light, slightly leant over then my front wheel hit one of those metal raised crossing markers. Ended up doing the full low side with the bike dragging me down the road.

Damage wise, the bike had a smashed headlight lens and indicator, broken lever and scuffs. I was fine, but taken to hospital as my leg was quite sore, was just me being a big girl.

October 22nd 2007 - 2nd off

After being nicely rebuilt with the above parts, had a car not see me when I was stationary. Hit me from behind jerking my hand on the throttle and went flying into a hedge next to me. Again, it was a noob mistake really, had I covered the rear brake and put in neutral I'd have been fine.

January 19th - 3rd off

This was more a poor obs situation I suppose, road literally 5 seconds from my parents house. Left corner, floor was slightly rutted, made the suspension skip up and down, ended up dropping it and spinning the bike on the tarmac. Cold tyres, wet, gravel and odd floor surface. Lack of talent innit. Ended up having the jeans I was wearing removed from my upper thigh with various surgical tools. Not a pleasant day, still unsure why I wear non kevlar jeans on trousers, stupidity perhaps Laughing

Feb 14th 2008 - Joined BCF asking to go faster

This was the day I joined this place, few days later I was asking about a chinese CDI to make my Cityfly faster (yes, its still alive despite the massive amounts of crashes and 1 seizure!)
Obviously, it was not fruitful so I stuck with the 55mph powerhouse. Shit then went down!

Feb 27th 2008 - Big crash

Was travelling home from my new job, been there just under 2 months, usual route said it had some traffic so I went the other way. Did consider going through traffic but wanted to rag it, was cold outside and wanted to get home to paint my XBOX360 with the new stencil and decal set, man I was so cool back then! Embarassed

Ended up overtaking a guy on a Fazer 600, thinking that he was going too slow. Went ahead about half a mile to the front of the queue for traffic lights. Shot off and got up to 30mph, not 35, not 40 but a solid 30mph. I used to stick to limits Shocked As I was approaching the crossing where pedestrians can stop half way in the road I saw a Ford Galaxy pull up to the give way lines on the left minor road just ahead. Typically I aim for eye contact, get it and continue passing him.

Fuck dat, he pulled out. He being an uninsured, drunk driver who was high as a kite and disqualified, he was pretty much the opposite of allowed on the road. Tried to swerve but had no time at all and ended up smashing the bike into his A pillar. I went straight over the car, across the other side of the road, landed on a Ford Escort breaking part of my spine in 2, rolling off and smashing both my ankles onto the floor, neck on a curb and then my helmet split in two. He then drove off, luckily my bike saw this happening and laid in front of him, tearing his number plate and bumper off, thanks bike! He was caught up with and arrested.

The rest is really a blur. I remember screaming in pain, about 10 people around me trying to calm me down. I them must have passed out, woke up with an ambulance there, a syringe sticking out of my jacket and a nice nurse/medic telling me the pain will go away, I might see pink bunnies and not to worry, my mum is on the way. That is the last thing I remember.

I then slipped into a coma, the syringe that was planted in to me was a shot of adrenaline? I thought that shit was only in games.
I woke up 3 days later in intensive care, unable to feel my legs, my mouth was clamped tight onto a tube and all I remember is this in some green fuzzy texture going through my head. Sorry for the small pic.

My mum was there, along with my older brother and the neighbour of my mum. I still remember asking how my bike was, typical biker response I think.

I couldn't sit up, barely able to talk. The doctors/nurses and surgeons came over to me. Told me I was extremely lucky and explained I'd been out for 3 days in a natural coma. Could tell my mum hadn't really slept, she was also massively upset. I think the whole family took this quite hard and were all expecting the worst.

The run down of damage was thus.

Part of neck was snapped, I've got a scan somewhere of the piece of bone floating around.
Part of lower spine was cracked in half, essentially split apart from the actual spine itself.
All ribs were cracked in two.
Left big toe was snapped at the end.
Both ankles were shattered, my boots held them together, trainers or my usual converse would have resulted in no feet remaining.
Both legs were broken.
Skull had a slight fracture from the rear impact, helmet was slightly too big and it cracked in 2 on impact.
Sensory loss was detected about 2 weeks after I returned home, I can no longer feel hot/cold in some parts of my body. They also believe part of my brain was damaged as I have progressive memory loss, which is why I'm glad I make notes as otherwise I'd not remember the days listed in this write up, you'll probably notice that I'm not as anal about dates the further we get in, that's because I forget to write notes now.

Was unable to sit up for 1 week until they secured my chest as my ribs would have gone into my lungs, imagine I was quite lucky in that respect.
I spent 6 months in a cast on my right leg, 4 months on the left, 8 months in a wheelchair. I had my bedroom moved to the dining room as I could not get upstairs. I really admire my parents for putting up with this hassle, they obviously do still care, despite me going against their wishes!

Eventually I was able to get the 2nd cast removed and walked with a boot on my right leg for 4 weeks so I could head back to work. That didn't last long, was made redundant a few weeks later, assume the crash had a fair bit to do with it.

I started looking for new jobs and ended up scoring an admin job with my brother, life was returning to normality. I then committed what is possibly the biggest sin the Newman household...

Oct 8th 2008 - Saw CBR125 for £330

Bought it Laughing Told my parents I bought it to fix up and sell on, didn't intend on riding it. So much so they said I must not bring it home. Stored at brothers house and bought various bits for it, made it look nice and pretty. Accidentally insured and taxed it, honest. Went and got it checked over as I didn't trust my own handy work. Came up as OK! Took it back to my parents house and carefully placed in the back garden. They found it next day, so mad bro.
Gave them the "I can't go anywhere anyway, no money, no job plus its safe here"

Bought it Mr. Green so I went ahead and...

Oct 13th 2008 - Mod 1

...booked Mod 1, passed that like a trooper. Still kept it quiet, told the parents I was going to get an oil change, my dad said he had oil and will do it. Wriggled out saying it was all paid for and won't take long. Laughing I then carefully and quietly booked Mod 2 at like midnight as the PC was right next to the living room.

Oct 15th 2008 - Mod 2 take 1

Failed this one, fuck sticks. Nothing really major, overtaking and stayed in the right hand lane as I knew we were going right at the next roundabout, but alas, was a fail.

Oct 30th 2008 - Mod 2 take 2

Managed to pass this after some faff, broken indicator at test centre etc. Blagged that though Smile Went home and presented my parents with the proof I have what it takes, but agreed as I said I was going to sell the bike, to sell it and give them half for rent.

Dec 12th 2008 - sale of CBR

Listed on Gumtree for £1000, had a guy pop round and gave me cold hard cash, took bike away and parents said they'll only take £300, they got £400 after some bargaining and that my share went to cover various bits that I had needed for a while and paid off various bits and bobs. I then started looking for a more IT based job again, which I ended getting and made a great friend as well as having a decent boss.

May 10th 2009 - purchase of Hyosung GT125 to build confidence

Given the job, I had some moolah to burn and had got bored of taking the car. Spotted a bike up for sale. Hyosung GT125, 08 plate, years MOT and tax for £1895. Went to view it and with the insurance interim payment, I bought that. Luckily the parents were a little more forgiving and understood I wanted to get back on the horse, wanted to save money commuting and that. I kept this bike upright and no crashes occurred but I was getting bored of the power. I sold this to a family friend (V5 issues with DVLA occurred, might write this up in part 2) and went ahead on the search for raw powah.

June 13th 2009 - GS500

Spotted this "beauty" for £500, leaving me £1000 for shit to pimp it out/pay off that PS3 I bought on credit. Had full on Powerbronze fairing and Mickey Mouse mirrors. Shit, found a pic!
Proper looker int' she. I was amazed by the power, maxed it out on the motorway on the way back. Yeah it was a weird colour and looked fucking horrendous, but it was quicker than the 125. used it for a bit until...

Dec 25th 2009 - Crash on GS

Some bint reversed out of her drive, pissed as a fart, onto a main road while I was riding over to the then girlfriends house. Christmas day, that day of all days! Parents were called, I made sure to tell them I was fine but the bike was wrecked. Ambulance already on scene and initially they thought it was just a sprain/painful wrist, but I'd actually broken my scaphoid in the right hand which still hurts to this day. Met Anne Widdecombe, so not all bad that day. Laughing

March 3rd 2010 - Bought KH125

After being off the road for so long, I ended up getting this sucker for £180. Years MOT, just needed new tyres really. Fitted some Sava badboys and used it religiously every day, never crashed it, never broke down. Was eventually stolen when on loan to another BCFer Laughing

June 26th 2010 - Bought Daytona 600

This was the proudest day of my life Laughing I'd been paid out from my big crash, 2 1/2 years after it happened and wanted a nice shiny bike.

Bought this from Nemo's dad at £2850, 04 plate, not much MOT/tax but I couldn't care at the time!

Such a nice bike, ended up being loaned out at the BCF BBQ then ridden to Reading so I could borrow another users bike Laughing

Sometime in July - G's GSXR1000 returned just after Xmas.

I ended up borrowing G's GSXR1000 K6 for a long time, I'd say long as it was over a month... 5 to be exact. Very trusting of him to do so as it was my first taste of litre bike power. That was an eye opener, what felt like 70mph on the Daytona was in fact 150mph on the GSXR Shifty Covered about 2000 miles on that bike and I have been wanting another one ever since. Was a sad day returning it. Sad

Dec 2010 - RS125 traded for guitar gear. Subsequently rebuild in Feb after main bearing collapse

Bikeless, I found someone who wanted some guitar gear I had, so we did a trade. Nice little W reg RS125. Been sitting for a few months but I thought nothing of it. Eventually it did an Italian thing and decided to shit its engine Very Happy
This is where I learnt of another forum legend, Pete. This guy is magic, Dumbledore ain't got nothing on him. He rebuilt the engine, read about it here -

He has since helped on various other bikes, all of which will be revealed in a later edition of this should people want to hear more. I'm afraid there is no more crashes as such, one or 2 falls on off road bikes and a low side but as said, if there is much interest in this initial waffle, I'll drop more info in later Mr. Green

tl;dr, sometimes going against your parents isn't the best idea.

Last edited by P. on 11:16 - 19 Apr 2014; edited 1 time in total
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trevor saxe-coburg-gotha
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PostPosted: 06:19 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Re: Paddy's biking life, how it started.. to now! Reply with quote

Paddy. wrote:
Met Anne Widdecombe

Whoah! Did she kiss the snake??
"Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent."

Mobylette Type 50 ---> Raleigh Grifter ---> Neval Minsk 125
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Could Be A Chat Bot

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PostPosted: 07:00 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thumbs Up Horrifying and amusing by turns! Cool
Kawasaki KMX200 with broken fixed powervalves and a stutter
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 08:40 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice read Thumbs Up
Current bike: Honda CBR 1100xx
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Scooby Slapper

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PostPosted: 09:51 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you believed in fate you might conclude you and bikes aren't quite destined to get along! Laughing
Current: Suzuki GSX650F (2010), Suzuki GSXR1000 K7, Suzuki GS250T (1980) currently restoring: Clicky.
Previous: Honda CBF 125 (2011), Suzuki GSXR750 K4
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Red Rocket

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PostPosted: 09:52 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shreeve wrote:
If you believed in fate you might conclude you and bikes aren't quite destined to get along! Laughing

My parents may think this, however I kept going back for more. Something seems addictive. Laughing
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 10:16 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

right Paddy, Can of Relentless down your throat... get part 2 going!

good read, enjoying it so far!
Current: Kawasaki ZL600 Eliminator
Past: Suzuki GZ125, Kawasaki GT550, Kawasaki GPX600R, Honda vrx400,Kawasaki Zephyr 750, Suzuki SV650 K5
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
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Nitrous Nuisance

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PostPosted: 10:56 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Best autobiography I've ever read!
Bike: CBF125
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Tracey Suntan-King
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PostPosted: 14:55 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

A ripping read!

There should be a combined karma button for interesting/cool/informative/totally bonkers.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 15:29 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice read how you can remember the exact dates is completely beyond me.
A2 completed 23/07/15 Ready for the Golden Crisp Packet
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Red Rocket

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PostPosted: 15:32 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

TheSmiler wrote:
Nice read how you can remember the exact dates is completely beyond me.

Write stuff down, check X-ray dates, look at old scans of stuff, V5 new keep slips etc.

I no longer write stuff down as I forget to.. Laughing
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 15:39 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Paddy. wrote:
Write stuff down, check X-ray dates, look at old scans of stuff, V5 new keep slips etc.

I no longer write stuff down as I forget to.. Laughing

Damn I don't think I've ever any of my old new keeper slips or other stuff. Not that my riding as been that interesting so far.

Still waiting for part 2 though Wink
A2 completed 23/07/15 Ready for the Golden Crisp Packet
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Red Rocket

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PostPosted: 16:24 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Part 2 will come in time, the above took 2 hours to type given I was cross checking dates and having OCD meant I needed to get the majority in there at least Laughing
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 17:22 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting to read about your accident. Knew you'd had a bit off but didn't know the full details. All I can say is 'ouch' and fair play for keeping going after that
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 17:39 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

How long did the drunk driver get?
Malaguti F12 Phantom-Dead, Suzuki AY50- Dead, NRG power DD LQ, CBR125.
*33 BHP restriction up on 10/12/14* Current bikes/car: SV 650 S/ MKIV GOLF
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Red Rocket

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PostPosted: 18:44 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Clutchy wrote:
How long did the drunk driver get?

30 days, served 18.

Didn't get prosecuted for hit and run or anything to do with hitting me, purely driving whilst uninsured and disqual. Typical british justice system </hetzer>
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 21:29 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

What happened to the Daytona 600? looks like a nice bike
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Red Rocket

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PostPosted: 21:39 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

kramdra wrote:
What happened to the Daytona 600? looks like a nice bike

Part 2 happened, I'll be doing a run down of what bikes I bought, why I bought them and why they went Thumbs Up
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 22:11 - 19 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent read. Looking forward to Part 2 Thumbs Up

Wish I had some more interesting stuff to write about my biking life so far... Although, not having my spine snapped in half is always a good thing.

Also, is it really bad that in a strange way I kind of like that GS?
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Scooby Slapper

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PostPosted: 12:33 - 20 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great read Paddy, looking forward to pt2 too.
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Theory in the bag, Mod 1 passed 28/3/2014, Mod 2 passed 9/4/2014 - Let loose
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Spanner Monkey

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PostPosted: 14:29 - 20 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

I remember you offered me a go on that Daytona. Can't for the life of me remember why I turned you down though. Confused

Must have been scared Embarassed Rolling Eyes
Previous - Sinnis Apache - Honda Bros 400 - Yamaha SR500 - Honda Transalp - Kawasaki ZX-7R - Honda CB-1 - Honda 929 Fireblade - Honda NTV650 [b]Current[\b] Honda CB500
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 07:20 - 21 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

unable to feel my legs

I know the feeling...
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 14:42 - 21 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice one Paddy, I enjoyed that, and look forward to the next instalment Thumbs Up

Nasty injuries! But great that you were willing and able to get back on 2 wheels - had a similar situation myself, but I reckon part of the reason I had no psychological barrier to stop me from riding again is that I don't recall anything about my accident, otherwise I wonder...
Do you/did you remember anything about your off when you came to getting another bike?

I would still like to write my own one of these as there have been some amusing/horrifying/dumbass moments in my riding career - but I can't seem to sit still long enough to do it Rolling Eyes
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Red Rocket

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PostPosted: 08:38 - 22 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

chickenstrip wrote:
Nice one Paddy, I enjoyed that, and look forward to the next instalment Thumbs Up

Not a problem, part 2 is half done, it will likely be up tonight Thumbs Up
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Crazy Courier

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PostPosted: 16:37 - 22 Apr 2014    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking forward to reading it chap! if part ones anything to go by it will be a good read!

You must have been a right cunt in a previous life to attract all the drunk drivers in town now! lol
Current: 99 Yamaha Thuundercat
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