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I'm not a racist but........

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qwerty killer
Nova Slayer

Joined: 03 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: 13:13 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: I'm not a racist but........ Reply with quote

Im a bit fed up at the whole system at the mo, britain that is.

Now I take everyone as they come if your a good bloke/girl then I will prob end up being your friend and will go out of my way to say hi each morning at work or what have you. And if your an arse hole then well expect the opposit, thats your choise nun the less weather you want to be an arse hole or a friendly person and i belive in that. So if your black, white, yellow, pink or green with pink spots on you I take you for what you are.

I have been finding it hard to find a good permanent job for the 3 years, I have been doing a lot of agencey work for the last 2/3 years while i find the right job for me. I have a good education GCSE's 2 B's and the rest C's, very good with computers great work experience as a supervisor in customer service and yet still finding it close to impossible to find a good job due to lack of there being jobs or jobs that pay atlest just over min wage.

I'm not a racist but........ every place I have worked for the last year (all warehouse work) there is only 5%-10% of english people working there the rest are poles and speek about 5 words of english, witch makes training e.c.t. close to impossable and they make lots of mistakes yet there is still 90%-95% of them working there.

So the answer im looking for is why?? I know the answer to why they want to, from speaking to lots of them (I have become friends with 5 poles and there good mates), such as better money and family back in poland get benafits from britten because they work in this country. Witch all in all is fine what-ever everyone wants a better life right....

So why is this country giving jobs to poles e.c.t. when there is tons and tons of english lads that need jobs and cant find them anywhere so turn to crime, and say if one pops up it pays so low its not worth it and why is it that low... prob due to the amunt of people from other countrys ok with working for pennys because they make it up in bennafits??? I dont know but i know one thing im very fed up and want a change......


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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 13:19 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Immigrants will tolerate a far lower standard of living and are consequently prepared to work for far less than an english person. Which suits the rich to a T and is why the rich will employ an immigrant over a native brit.
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PostPosted: 13:20 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome to the EU. Very Happy

Everyone's standard of living will be reduced to the lowest common denominator. Soon, we will doing the slave work that China has been doing for years.

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PostPosted: 13:27 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

What type of job are you talking about? If you have next to no skills/experience you cant expect to be earning 50k. Get qualified> get a better job>
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qwerty killer
Nova Slayer

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PostPosted: 13:28 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hetzer wrote:
Immigrants will tolerate a far lower standard of living and are consequently prepared to work for far less than an english person. Which suits the rich to a T and is why the rich will employ an immigrant over a native brit.

That is treating people like shit exploitation at its best and there is only one person that benafits from it the BOSS.

I am more and more going to vote BNP in the GLA 2008 elections,

in fact the more i think about it this country is just a big pile of it its turned in to a joke....

traffic system (if ya dont get stabed while driving)
public transport system (if ya dont get stabed while on it)
Mail system (is someone does not steal your mail)
NHS (if ya dont die by just going there from NRS)
cost of living (if ya dont get stabed before you leave home)
its all turned to shit im gonna vote bnp for shure.
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qwerty killer
Nova Slayer

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PostPosted: 13:30 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

GodzGift wrote:
What type of job are you talking about? If you have next to no skills/experience you cant expect to be earning 50k. Get qualified> get a better job>

Like i said 2 B's gcse's the rest c's very good computer skills/experience (been building them form the age of 15), supervisor for 5 years at a major retailer.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 13:35 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Polish people are actually going home in large numbers due to the currency fluctuations , but by enlarge they will work harder , longer and put up with more crud.

And you have GCSEs? and a bit of experience here and there and expect to be paid ££££££ ?.

Join the real world,

I'm nearly a triple graduate (2 paid for by myself) have 3 highly valued post grad qualifications also done off my own bat and I am approaching 3 years experience.

I'm only just approaching decent pay which I expect to go up a fair bit over the next few years, I put time and effort into such things, if you just do a job go home sit and watch TV and biatch about bad life then its YOUR FAULT,

High(er) paid jobs except for public sector work is EARNED and isn't handed down as a right.

Get some decent experience and some decent qualifications, it might (not guarenteed) pay off.

And come to think about it, if you think about it , if not very good jobs were paid £20 an hour, all that would happen is that everything else would increase by the same rate.
Spain 2008France 2007Big one 2009 We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will. In the end, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.
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qwerty killer
Nova Slayer

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PostPosted: 13:41 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Itchy wrote:
Polish people are actually going home in large numbers due to the currency fluctuations , but by enlarge they will work harder , longer and put up with more crud.

And you have GCSEs? and a bit of experience here and there and expect to be paid ££££££ ?.

Join the real world,

I'm nearly a triple graduate (2 paid for by myself) have 3 highly valued post grad qualifications also done off my own bat and I am approaching 3 years experience.

High(er) paid jobs except for public sector work is EARNED and isn't handed down as a right.

Maybe you need to read the post again im not asking for £££££££!!!

just a full time job that does not pay min wage. Is this to much to ask for in my place of birth where i have worked hard all my life and yet see people that cant speek a word of english getting in before me just because the can be exploited is that fair??
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Energiser Bunny

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PostPosted: 13:47 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Re: I'm not a racist but........ Reply with quote

qwerty killer wrote:

So why is this country giving jobs to poles e.c.t. when there is tons and tons of english lads that need jobs and cant find them

you mean like these people?

when I was signing on, I'd have been happy for £7 an hour!

as it is, tho, it's not "this country" that's giving peope jobs.. it's companies.. businesses...

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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 13:57 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

qwerty killer wrote:

Maybe you need to read the post again im not asking for £££££££!!!

just a full time job that does not pay min wage. Is this to much to ask for in my place of birth where i have worked hard all my life and yet see people that cant speek a word of english getting in before me just because the can be exploited is that fair??

Pretty much in that businesses seek to lower their inputs to maximise their profits, labour is an input.

If you've ever benefitted from lower prices say anything made in china etc then this is the flip side.

Looking around you live in London , have you considered becoming a scooterman?, needs a car licence+ bike/CBT thingie.
Spain 2008France 2007Big one 2009 We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will. In the end, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 14:06 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Re: I'm not a racist but........ Reply with quote

qwerty killer wrote:
Im a bit fed up at the whole system at the mo, britain that is.

Now I take everyone as they come if your a good bloke/girl then I will prob end up being your friend and will go out of my way to say hi each morning at work or what have you. And if your an arse hole then well expect the opposit, thats your choise nun the less weather you want to be an arse hole or a friendly person and i belive in that. So if your black, white, yellow, pink or green with pink spots on you I take you for what you are.

I have been finding it hard to find a good permanent job for the 3 years, I have been doing a lot of agencey work for the last 2/3 years while i find the right job for me. I have a good education GCSE's 2 B's and the rest C's, very good with computers great work experience as a supervisor in customer service and yet still finding it close to impossible to find a good job due to lack of there being jobs or jobs that pay atlest just over min wage.

I'm not a racist but........ every place I have worked for the last year (all warehouse work) there is only 5%-10% of english people working there the rest are poles and speek about 5 words of english, witch makes training e.c.t. close to impossable and they make lots of mistakes yet there is still 90%-95% of them working there.

So the answer im looking for is why?? I know the answer to why they want to, from speaking to lots of them (I have become friends with 5 poles and there good mates), such as better money and family back in poland get benafits from britten because they work in this country. Witch all in all is fine what-ever everyone wants a better life right....

So why is this country giving jobs to poles e.c.t. when there is tons and tons of english lads that need jobs and cant find them anywhere so turn to crime, and say if one pops up it pays so low its not worth it and why is it that low... prob due to the amunt of people from other countrys ok with working for pennys because they make it up in bennafits??? I dont know but i know one thing im very fed up and want a change......


Karma stu Karma

I have nothing against poles or any other race either. Its not them that causes it its the employers and Hetzer has it right there.

I have been looking from time to time at jobs to see whats about, I have one but I still look. Anyway. My brother has been unemployed for a year and a half. He has qualifications and used to build computers. He likes the factory work now though, being left alone to do his thing. We did call him lazy for a bit until we started looking for a job for him and he has had no luck.

He is the sort thats never had a sick day ever at work and will do over time never even missed a day off school. Our papers have jobs wrote in polish now. There is nothing in the area at all on the job center online apart from community care assistants which is not actually available they just need stand by ones and you need NVQs for that. Hardly suitable for my club head brother. He got an interview once and the employer was annoyed to find he spoke English and was born here. He has a foreign name also.

Everywhere you go there are foreign peple and last night I tried to ask a sales assistant who was serving me at the till for something and she had to go and get help as she didn't know what I wanted. Which is stupid, I think you should know at least some English to work here as it is impossible now to find staff that speak English. A few years ago you would have been sacked or disciplined if you had not understood a customers for asking for something simple.There isnt even any English staff in McDonalds here.

The employers get them cheap and the poles have to pay the £100 rent each for the 10 of them in a 2 bed terraced house the landlords are ripping them off for. So they will work. The unemployment of UK citizens should be through the roof.
All the breast.
Muzza on Binge:
He's too busy beating the everloving shit out of Lizzie to notice this thread has taken a turn down Drama Avenue and stopped off at the popcorn shop.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 15:29 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Speaking to a local factory owner recently I learned the 'plus side' of taking on foreigners.
According to him they are more popular than the brits because (apart from the fact they will work for less and will happily share a baked bean tin with ten others) they are easier to get rid of. Because they all have 'agents' that bring them over and keep an eye on them, all the guy has to do is say that he isn't happy with 'so and so' and said worker is taken out and shipped straight home with a replacement shoved straight in his place.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 15:34 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scouse wrote:
Speaking to a local factory owner recently I learned the 'plus side' of taking on foreigners.
According to him they are more popular than the brits because (apart from the fact they will work for less and will happily share a baked bean tin with ten others) they are easier to get rid of. Because they all have 'agents' that bring them over and keep an eye on them, all the guy has to do is say that he isn't happy with 'so and so' and said worker is taken out and shipped straight home with a replacement shoved straight in his place.

There is a downside to this quick disappearing act too.

A refurb job I worked on previously had a team of Polish builders set to do the work. They had priced the job quite low and subsequently got the contract. After a few mishaps it was clear they would not make a profit so one day they failed to show up. Client never heard from them again and was left in the shit.

So sometimes the ability to disappear has it's downsides.

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PostPosted: 15:38 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

you have to remember that everyone starts at the bottom. yeah the jobs can be crap but it will change if you knuckle down and do well. you will climb the ladder alot quicker than the imports without fail.

as for your grades and qualifications... well employers will just see you as a school leaver who plays on his computer a fair bit. it will mean next to nothing to them unless its graded by an examination board or experienced by another employer. stick at it, it will work.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 15:45 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kris wrote:
There is a downside to this quick disappearing act too.

A refurb job I worked on previously had a team of Polish builders set to do the work. They had priced the job quite low and subsequently got the contract. After a few mishaps it was clear they would not make a profit so one day they failed to show up. Client never heard from them again and was left in the shit.

So sometimes the ability to disappear has it's downsides.


I get what your saying but I think you've missed what I was saying.

I just mean that if a factory owner/manager wanted to sack an english worker, he has to have a good solid reason or has the hassle of an un-fair dismisal claim.
Whereas if he was unhappy with the work pace of a foreign worker all he has to do is say so and the agent will just send him home and replace with another worker, with no other word spoken.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 18:04 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keir_K3 wrote:
as for your grades and qualifications... well employers will just see you as a school leaver who plays on his computer a fair bit. it will mean next to nothing to them unless its graded by an examination board or experienced by another employer. stick at it, it will work.

Absolutely I've said many a time you make your own luck,

I really hate it when somebody has worked hard for what they have and call them a lucky sod,
Spain 2008France 2007Big one 2009 We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will. In the end, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 18:17 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

Itchy wrote:
Keir_K3 wrote:
as for your grades and qualifications... well employers will just see you as a school leaver who plays on his computer a fair bit. it will mean next to nothing to them unless its graded by an examination board or experienced by another employer. stick at it, it will work.

Absolutely I've said many a time you make your own luck,

I really hate it when somebody has worked hard for what they have and call them a lucky sod,

Luck plays a greater part in most things than most people realise. You can make a difference, but it's far more subtle than you'd probably like to think. Akin to trying to crack a wheel-combination on a safe by feel...if you have experience/training you could spin the wheel randomly and have some greater chance of hitting the combination, but with no experience/training your chances would be much less. Either way, without actually knowing the combination you'll be in the hands of Lady Luck.

When you go for a job the imponderables are huge. Seeing the right person, in the right mood, other applicants making it or not making it, personality matches/clashes, brain-states, confidence at a given moment, the list is very very long.

As one goes through life one is riding a highly unstable platform. You can do many things to try and exert greater control, but it'll always be a very dodgy ride.
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White Van Man

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PostPosted: 18:53 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have next to no english people working on the production floor where I work, the few that are have been there 15 odd years. I see new faces every day it seems, some speak acceptable english, but most barely know how to utter a greeting. Supervisors are now foreign also, so will tend to sway towards employing "their own", mostly done through word of mouth or mates of people already working there.

I'm forever having to stand around not having a clue about what is being said, and feeling totally foreign in my own (apparently) country.

Last year a driver managed to not apply the handbrake on his truck sufficiently, and it rolled back crushing him against some cages, he called for help but apparently none was forthcoming. This is just an example of the potential for problems.

I can't see how employers are happy to gloss over the language barrier in such a way, although it has been answered above it seems highly irrational to me.

Working with machinery, vehicles, heavy/moving objects, or any aspect of production, with people who can't understand their co-workers can only be a recipe for disaster.

Btw, in response to getting reasonably paid (working class) jobs, do you have a driving licence? It helps.
So in other words, he stopped you for being flagrantly in posession of a motorcycle in direct contravention of the Hippies, Darkies and People Whose Face I Don't Like The Look of (Police Powers) Act. 1976
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Afraid of Mileage

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PostPosted: 19:37 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see what you (original poster) are saying, however you are in a minority, most people do not want to work.

No offence dude, but GCSE's won't get you anywhere these days. If you want to be on more money, you need to either: -

A)Go down the academic route, i.e A-levels, Degree.

B)Go through the apprentice route

Or C)Hope that something on the off chance comes along, which is very unlikely.

You might have been building PC's since you were 15, but you have nothing on paper to prove it, no recognised qualification, so why would anybody take you on?

This year more Poles are leaving than coming in, because finally wages are coming up in Poland to the rate of which they are in the UK, it was going to take a few years for the economic differences to match up and now it is, far less immigrants from the EU will be coming over.

If you ask me, it's not the Eastern EU's who are the problem, it's those from third world countries who have no morals whatsoever.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it?s worth.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 19:50 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

qwerty killer wrote:
GodzGift wrote:
What type of job are you talking about? If you have next to no skills/experience you cant expect to be earning 50k. Get qualified> get a better job>

Like i said 2 B's gcse's the rest c's very good computer skills/experience (been building them form the age of 15), supervisor for 5 years at a major retailer.

I have very good high degree and a few technical qualifications which have cost me hundreds which i paid for and even that is a basic standard these days, so word of advice don't quote GCSE as something strong, ITS NOTHING!

Unless you get off whatever type of horse you are on and recognise that you don't have much and try to improve you will find it difficult, especially in London in getting something stable.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 19:58 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

GodzGift wrote:

Unless you get off whatever type of horse you are on and recognise that you don't have much and try to improve you will find it difficult, especially in London in getting something stable.

Nice little play on words there,
Spain 2008France 2007Big one 2009 We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will. In the end, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 21:13 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Re: I'm not a racist but........ Reply with quote

qwerty killer wrote:

I have been finding it hard to find a good permanent job for the 3 years, I have been doing a lot of agencey work for the last 2/3 years while i find the right job for me. I have a good education GCSE's 2 B's and the rest C's, very good with computers great work experience as a supervisor in customer service and yet still finding it close to impossible to find a good job due to lack of there being jobs or jobs that pay atlest just over min wage.

I don't know what sort of jobs you're going for but I hope your application letters have better spelling than your posts.

Employers can be very picky and will readily bin an application with poor spelling and grammar.

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Exxon Valdez

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PostPosted: 22:48 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

WildGoose wrote:

Working with machinery, vehicles, heavy/moving objects, or any aspect of production, with people who can't understand their co-workers can only be a recipe for disaster.

Its not just the language barrier there generally thick as shit, in my last job as a production line engineer i,ve seen one eastern europen blow his own eye out with a air line, another chopped/crushed his fingers off in a hydraulic press and in my current job l,m spending most days sorting out there piss poor building work and dangerous wiring in office blocks.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 22:54 - 12 Mar 2008    Post subject: Reply with quote

My friend looks at the CVs from job applications and says that 50% of them go straight in the bin because of poor spelling and grammar. It just shows a lack of effort and is lazy.

Obviously doesn't go for all jobs e.g. the ones that are actively going for Polish / immigrant workers.
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