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PostPosted: 10:35 - 28 Dec 2024    Post subject: Reply with quote

WD Forte wrote:

Are you getting the "Kill them... Kill them all" voices yet?

Pretty much.
CBT: 12/06/10, Theory: 22/09/10, Module 1: 09/11/10, Module 2: 19/01/11
Past: 1991 Honda CG125BR-J, 1992 (1980) Honda XL125S, 1996 Kawasaki GPZ500S, 1979 MZ TS150.
Current: 1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17k, 1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10k, 1981 Honda CX500B - 91k, 1987 MZ ETZ250 (295cc) - 39k, 1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50k.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 01:25 - 30 Dec 2024    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is Always Time To Do Unreasonable Things.
Not nearly as interesting in real life.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 15:29 - 30 Dec 2024    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ugh. An ongoing battle. All three cars leak water in to some degree Evil or Very Mad
CBT: 12/06/10, Theory: 22/09/10, Module 1: 09/11/10, Module 2: 19/01/11
Past: 1991 Honda CG125BR-J, 1992 (1980) Honda XL125S, 1996 Kawasaki GPZ500S, 1979 MZ TS150.
Current: 1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17k, 1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10k, 1981 Honda CX500B - 91k, 1987 MZ ETZ250 (295cc) - 39k, 1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50k.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 10:22 - 01 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

blurredman wrote:
Ugh. An ongoing battle. All three cars leak water in to some degree Evil or Very Mad

Checked all the harness wiring grommets?
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 11:01 - 02 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

recman wrote:

Checked all the harness wiring grommets?

I think on this occasion the major factor here is the door seals. In particular seeping in through the clamp section of the seal that otherwise holds onto the seam of the body. Maybe silicone bead will fix that.

On the other cars i've been unable to fix properly. The peugeot 308 I fixed three leaks and there's just one small one I am unable to identify. Fills the wheel well- and makes the spare tyre, and tools rusty and crusty.

I bloody hate mould too - so I really don't want to be picking it from the fabric of the seats like one might pick up their phone.
CBT: 12/06/10, Theory: 22/09/10, Module 1: 09/11/10, Module 2: 19/01/11
Past: 1991 Honda CG125BR-J, 1992 (1980) Honda XL125S, 1996 Kawasaki GPZ500S, 1979 MZ TS150.
Current: 1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17k, 1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10k, 1981 Honda CX500B - 91k, 1987 MZ ETZ250 (295cc) - 39k, 1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50k.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 18:12 - 02 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

Today, I grind my own gears. The first day of work this year didn't go as planned.

For the past 2 weeks I was on holiday, going to sleep late, waking up past 8:00 in the morning, great stuff.

Today, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to go to work, totally exhausted. I was so exhausted that I got fully geared up to cycle to work, even got a thin knitted hat on as it was -3°C and windy (6-10m/s), dry roads/cycle paths. And that hat was the issue. As I've already had something on my head, I completely forgot to put my helmet on, and I've only realised that after 20 minutes of riding. So, as it was winter time and although dry, black ice might have occured, and I'm a responsible cyclist I went back home to get my helmet. The moment I got inside all the heat and humidity inside started doing its thing and in just 5 minutes I've started to sweat a lot... so I gave up on cycling today and got to work by my car hour later.

Right now it's heavy snowing, so no cycling tomorrow either. Thinking
'87 Honda XBR 500, '96 Kawasaki ZX7R P1, '90 Honda CB-1, '88 Kawasaki GPz550, MZ 150 ETZ
'95 Mercedes-Benz w202 C200 CGI, '98 Mercedes-Benz w210 E200 Kompressor
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Not Work Safe

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PostPosted: 20:01 - 02 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

RhynoCZ wrote:
Right now it's heavy snowing, so no cycling tomorrow either. Thinking

I've got a set of these to play with on ice. Mr. Green
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 20:40 - 06 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ste wrote:
RhynoCZ wrote:
Right now it's heavy snowing, so no cycling tomorrow either. Thinking

I've got a set of these to play with on ice. Mr. Green

How do these tyres work on dry/wet tarmac?
'87 Honda XBR 500, '96 Kawasaki ZX7R P1, '90 Honda CB-1, '88 Kawasaki GPz550, MZ 150 ETZ
'95 Mercedes-Benz w202 C200 CGI, '98 Mercedes-Benz w210 E200 Kompressor
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Nobby the Bastard
Harley Gaydar

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PostPosted: 20:59 - 06 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dry tarmac = Donuts and sparks.

Wet Tarmac = you just do donuts.
trevor saxe-coburg-gotha:"Remember this simple rule - scooters are for men who like to feel the breeze on their huge, flapping cunt lips."
Triumph Sprint ST 1050
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Not Work Safe

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PostPosted: 23:40 - 06 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

On tarmac they make noise and have a higher rolling resistance which is partially because you run them at lower pressures than normal tyres.

I don't have a powermeter so can't give you any numbers for how many watts the tyres consume. They allow you to ride in conditions that you wouldn't normally ride in or conditions where normally you would be have to go quite slowly and very carefully in order to avoid the small patches of ice that form on unmade paths.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 14:34 - 11 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

My next door neighbour popped along yesterday (during working hours Mad ) to say that there was a stink coming in her kitchen window, allegedly from my back yard.
Smells alright to me but then so does my arse from whence the sun doth shine ... but I agreed to have a look.

So this morning I lifted all the little drain-covers and plunged about in the muck with various implements, discovering that one drain was blocked with mud and ... bits of insulating foam from when she had her whole house re-clad last summer Rolling Eyes Exclamation

Her builders hadn't offered to clear my yard of their crap, and they broke my gatepost but I didn't bother to complain at the time, just swept up and disposed of assorted strapping, chip cartons, empty red bull cans, foam, nails etc - and just propped the gatepost, as I am planning to have some new wrought iron fencing put up (eventually).

I took a handful of the stuff round to show her that it was the crap from her builders causing the problem - but neither she nor her son had the decency to look shamefaced ("yes yes very nice!!")

She still maintains its the main sewer drain - so I eventually managed to lift the manhole cover over the main drain, rinsed everything off and poured a load of bleach down there. I know it probably won't solve the problem but fuck it, I'll wait a week or so and then, when they complain again (because they're bound to) - I might get round to ringing the landlord and ask for it to be roto-rootered.

It's about time she started feeding me chana dall and spicy spinach chapattis again, I'm almost up to here with her nonsense. Brick Wall
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 15:51 - 11 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

hellkat wrote:
Smells alright to me but then so does my arse from whence the sun doth shine ...

Such a joyful turn of phrase Smile
Husqvarna Vitpilen 401, Yamaha XSR700, Honda Rebel, Yamaha DT175, Suzuki SV650 (loan) Fazer 600, Keeway Superlight 125, 50cc turd scooter
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 11:17 - 13 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

Went to the café Sunday morning. I like a bracing walk as much as the next person but.... brrrrrrrr!

There was a friend in there we hadn't seen for a few years. Gone totally grey! Not just the hair but complexion as well, maybe even their outlook on life Sad I'm seeing more and more people getting suddenly very old or perhaps I was oblivious Thinking

"FFS, you get old, your friends get old, everyone gets old!" Well of course. I know I'm getting older from the flecks of tinsel in my hair but when you see such a transformation in someone a generation younger, it is jarring.
Husqvarna Vitpilen 401, Yamaha XSR700, Honda Rebel, Yamaha DT175, Suzuki SV650 (loan) Fazer 600, Keeway Superlight 125, 50cc turd scooter
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Kawasaki Jimbo
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PostPosted: 19:06 - 17 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

You stay the same for years and don’t appreciate it, then the age-related genes kick in and suddenly you’re not the same. It’s a bastard.

Having said that, I think the current “cut” of denim jeans is different and very unflattering to even the young. Levi 501s aren’t the same even allowing for my changing hip to waist ratio.
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Kawasaki Jimbo
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PostPosted: 19:15 - 17 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

The water company closed a road in town causing massive congestion (a sign of things to come when the new builds appear). Reopened after 5 days, the trench is now filled with uneven tarmac; a depression and then a ridge in the road. Why can’t they ever fill the hole and make it level with the surface?
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 23:20 - 20 Jan 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

She showed up today with a bag of monkey nuts (raw, in which state I am allergic-ish to them Rolling Eyes ) and some weird-as sesame-covered almond-shaped boiled sweets upon which I nearly broke my teeth. Mad

This is not the quality of home made Indian food that will encourage me to call the landlord/cooncil/whatevs.

Meanwhile I have made up a bottle of Zoflora nastiness, with which I spritz her fenceline in the hope that it will rot and she will have to replace it the joints to all the pipes and the drains in my back yard facing her kitchen window.

hellkat wrote:
My next door neighbour ...
It's about time she started feeding me chana dall and spicy spinach chapattis again, I'm almost up to here with her nonsense. Brick Wall

Not nearly as interesting in real life.
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to v or not to v
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PostPosted: 10:13 - 02 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

drank slightly too much last night. slightly regretting it this morning.
current bike Yamaha Thunderace.
its old and fat, but its a damned good ride. the bikes not bad either.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 12:03 - 08 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

to v or not to v wrote:
drank slightly too much last night. slightly regretting it this morning.

At your age one would think you'd learnt your lesson Laughing

Having said that, during a short visit to Fareham last weekend, I managed to drink several samples of cheap gin which caused me to be inebriated enough to follow-up with a Malibu and lemonade ( Shocked )

I have no idea why the idea of Malibu popped into my head*, but I did vacillate momentarily about whether I should drink it with Coca Cola or lemonade ... either way I feel this must have been the cause of my seediness the next day.

*other than that it waved to me from the optics behind the bar Thinking
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 12:12 - 08 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am mostly being annoyed about losing yet another set of earbuds.
I live in a safe little world of audiobooks whilst out in public.

Thinking They may be in the desk drawer where I work on Tuesdays, but I only go there once a week.
I've decided to order another set and will have a home set and a work set.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 21:43 - 10 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, today I got a new motherboard, CPU and RAM... and apparently my Windows 7 key, that I used before and then upgraded Windows 7 to Windows 10 no longer works with a fresh OS install, as the ''free'' upgrade from w7 to w10 feature no longer exists. Folded arms

I might as well buy the W11 key right away. Also every case fan runs at 100% as I do not understand how the new motherboard works at all. Rolling Eyes
'87 Honda XBR 500, '96 Kawasaki ZX7R P1, '90 Honda CB-1, '88 Kawasaki GPz550, MZ 150 ETZ
'95 Mercedes-Benz w202 C200 CGI, '98 Mercedes-Benz w210 E200 Kompressor
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 11:25 - 11 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could you try a Windows activator on win7 before then upgrading?

That said, Still on Win7 now and perfectly happy. I didn't upgrade from XP even until 2018.
CBT: 12/06/10, Theory: 22/09/10, Module 1: 09/11/10, Module 2: 19/01/11
Past: 1991 Honda CG125BR-J, 1992 (1980) Honda XL125S, 1996 Kawasaki GPZ500S, 1979 MZ TS150.
Current: 1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17k, 1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10k, 1981 Honda CX500B - 91k, 1987 MZ ETZ250 (295cc) - 39k, 1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50k.
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But it's British!

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PostPosted: 12:33 - 11 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

blurredman wrote:
Could you try a Windows activator on win7 before then upgrading?

That said, Still on Win7 now and perfectly happy. I didn't upgrade from XP even until 2018.


I'd not run an unpatched W10 at the mo, let alone an obsolete OS.

The transition from W10 to 11 is going to cause a massive issue for personal PC users IMO, and I suspect Microsoft may release a method of installing W11 without the TPM just to get more users up to the latest OS. I hope you have a decent external firewall, or just don't go on the internet.
British beauty: Triumph Street Triple R; Loony stroker: KR1S; Track fun: GSXR750 L1; Commuter Missile: GSX-S1000F
Remember kids, bikes aren't like lego. You can't easily take a part from one bike and then fit it to another.
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World Chat Champion

Joined: 20 May 2016
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PostPosted: 15:35 - 11 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

MarJay wrote:
The transition from W10 to 11 is going to cause a massive issue for personal PC users IMO, and I suspect Microsoft may release a method of installing W11 without the TPM just to get more users up to the latest OS.

That would be me.... I have a perfectly nice laptop, complete with docking station, which does everything I want it to, except apparently it won't accept Windows 11 and so I'm expected to dump it all very shortly. Am so pissed off.

But what is this TPM malarkey of which you speak?
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 16:48 - 11 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote


So, everything seems to be working now. Thumbs Up

I later remembered, that I did buy a W10 key years ago and luckily, I still had it in my e-mail. Now, the key did not work for activation of the OS that I installed using W7 key, however I did a fresh install using the W10 key that I bought years ago and the system activated itself the moment I got into Windows (well, after I installed the ethernet (LAN) driver from my flashdrive; wtf MSI?!). Anyway, M.2 drives are so fast, that it took only a few minutes to do a fresh install. The last time I did a Windows OS install it was W7 from a DVD to a SATA 2 HDD. That was 2009, then I upgraded it to W10 in like 2016, cloning the system drive to SATA SSD some time before 2016.

I also figured out how to connect all case fans to the board so I can controller their speed. I just plugged them all into a fan hub and that into the CPU fan connector on the board.

*One annoying bit remains though, for whatever reason the MSI motherboard (MSI pro x870-p wifi) does not have a functional/or any ethernet (LAN) driver, so in order to connect the PC to internet you need a second PC to download the driver and put it on a flashdrive and then install it. Not sure if this is MSI's way of saying use the WiFi card that's on the board instead or what.

For those wondering, I got the AMD ryzen 7 9700x (65W TDP), 2x16GB DDR5 and MSI pro x870-p wifi, the rest is the same as it was, old Fractal design case, Noctua nh-d15s CPU cooler, RTX 4070 Ti Super, oh and some 1TB Samsung M.2 drive that I pulled out of my PS5.
'87 Honda XBR 500, '96 Kawasaki ZX7R P1, '90 Honda CB-1, '88 Kawasaki GPz550, MZ 150 ETZ
'95 Mercedes-Benz w202 C200 CGI, '98 Mercedes-Benz w210 E200 Kompressor
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World Chat Champion

Joined: 18 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: 17:15 - 11 Feb 2025    Post subject: Reply with quote

MarJay wrote:
blurredman wrote:
Could you try a Windows activator on win7 before then upgrading?

That said, Still on Win7 now and perfectly happy. I didn't upgrade from XP even until 2018.


I'd not run an unpatched W10 at the mo, let alone an obsolete OS.

The transition from W10 to 11 is going to cause a massive issue for personal PC users IMO, and I suspect Microsoft may release a method of installing W11 without the TPM just to get more users up to the latest OS. I hope you have a decent external firewall, or just don't go on the internet.

Nah I don't. I think a lot of that is scaremongering shite. Not had firewall or antivirus since '18 on the win 7 pc (though I do occasionally do a sweep once every 2 or 3 years, and always go online with old OSs from win3>xp no problem. It's not since before pornhub existed that I've actually got viruses. Part of it is luck sure, but most of it in my part is just not being stupid or naive.
CBT: 12/06/10, Theory: 22/09/10, Module 1: 09/11/10, Module 2: 19/01/11
Past: 1991 Honda CG125BR-J, 1992 (1980) Honda XL125S, 1996 Kawasaki GPZ500S, 1979 MZ TS150.
Current: 1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17k, 1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10k, 1981 Honda CX500B - 91k, 1987 MZ ETZ250 (295cc) - 39k, 1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50k.
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