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Should exotic pets be owned?

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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 13:02 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Should exotic pets be owned? Reply with quote

Going on from the centipede...

I think pets are great. There have been several species that, over the past few hundred years, we as humans have bread to be more than just animals. Domestic dogs, cats, rats, pigs etc. They reflect us as humans, possible a bit to much but they make good companions.

What I'm not so keen on the more exotic pets, I always cringe when:

I see a bird in a cage, the symbolism is just to much.

A chinchilla in a pet shop (with a sign saying 'lives in the rain forest, likes to jump from tree to tree')

A reptile in a tank being reduced to eating defrosted prey or, at best, having to make no effort in order to hunt it's food despite it's brilliant evolution. Again, a sad reflection on us as humans.

I do understand the attraction of such animals, they are brilliant and highly evolved species, but if you like them (like me), why reduce them to an existence unfitting of their skills?

In other words, do you own 'exotic' pets and what made you deceide on such a pet? Maybe you breed them and use them for an income? Do you even think this is an issue, maybe any human has the right to own whatever he/she wants?
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Won't Shut Up

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PostPosted: 13:29 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Humans kick ass and we are so clever I think it entitles us to anything.

A sweeping statement but the general view on the human race and unstoppable destruction we carry out every day, TBH who gives a toss, my lizard was born over here in a bloody incubator, he doesn’t know what the desert is, he doesn’t know what a bird of prey is (lucky him) and quite frankly with the attention he gets from me he is going to live longer at my House than his cousins in OZ and wherever they hang out.

No one needs a pet, unless you call guide dogs pets, I just think they are tools.

You are the most self aware animal on the planet, unfortunately because of this some of us are afraid of everything and our conscience battles with everything we see, what’s right, what’s wrong and why do we do that…..
IMO we are just doing what we always have done, try to find a way to control something, everything on and off of this planet humans want to control, think about that for a second………..anything, water, fire, cars, planes, the weather.
If we achieve control of it we are happy.
Keeping a pet is quite weird especially an exotic but as well as the human control element there, it can also be good for your mental state which in this day an age is screwed by a whole range of dick eds about you who try and control you.

I’m going to get my lizard to eat the head of grass hopper later and film it.
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Attention Whore

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PostPosted: 13:32 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Q. Should exotic pets be owned?
A. No. They should be pwned.

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craigie b
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PostPosted: 13:40 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can understand and appreciate why people keep domesticated animals. Cats and dogs are excellent as companions and they do become family members. I do think keeping exotic pets is kind of cruel since they are born into captivity merely for others amusement and I cannot see how a tarantula could ever become a friggin' family member.

However it is a free country and some people just like to have freaky fucking things around them Rolling Eyes
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Scooby Slapper

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PostPosted: 13:49 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I dunno much about chinchillas, but I would not turn down the chance of having a pet tiger, that would be so cool.
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PostPosted: 13:54 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

xlizx wrote:
I dunno much about chinchillas, but I would not turn down the chance of having a pet tiger, that would be so cool.

You'll learn as you get older. Wink

(besides, if you want to try and tame a wild animal that may turn around and bite you at any given time, just get a girlfriend/wife!)
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Spanner Monkey

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PostPosted: 14:11 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tigers...... A question on QI a few months back, was "Which continent contains the largest number of tigers?".

I've asked a lot of my friends this since, and EVERYONE says Africa, then Asia. Sad answer is America. There are more tigers in captivity, as "domestic" pets in America, than there are in the rest of the world combined. There's something stupid like 5,000 of them in one southern state alone (pet tigers are more popular in the south, they are a status symbol).

This depresses me a lot. The only thing that cheers me even slightly, is the thought of a lot of Americans being eventually mauled to death.

craigie b wrote:
I do think keeping exotic pets is kind of cruel since they are born into captivity merely for others amusement

There's no real difference between cats and dogs in that respect. Most of them are bred to meet demand for the market. there wouldn't be a massive population of dogs and cats roaming wild if we didn't want them.

To be honest, I'd never have thought of a lizard as being a decent pet. Since meeting someone with a salamander, and also reading killa's bearded dragon posts, I've started to see how they can be. They're a lot more interactive than I thought. I have another mate who's had a tarrantula for about 6 months now though, and I've yet to even see the thing move. Insects are probably where I still draw the line at pet choices.
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 14:49 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I kept an African Python for 4 years from 12" long to 4' long
burglar deterrent extrordinair.
Great pets.
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Brolly Dolly

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PostPosted: 18:47 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

xlizx wrote:
I dunno much about chinchillas, but I would not turn down the chance of having a pet tiger, that would be so cool.

They have very smelly mouths and feet, are unpredictable, very expensive to feed over their lifetime and are extremely difficult to handle when they grow up. Kindness doesn't work with them. It is brutality, fear and starvation that keep them in line. Plus, they can kill or maul you. National Geographic did an article on pet tigers in the USA several years back. They mentioned several instances of owners being mauled, and some instances of the owners children and pets being killed! Most owners bought them as cubs, because they looked cute, but they were totally unprepared to deal with them when they grew up.
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Brolly Dolly

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PostPosted: 18:58 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

killa wrote:

TBH who gives a toss, my lizard was born over here in a bloody incubator, he doesn’t know what the desert is, he doesn’t know what a bird of prey is (lucky him) and quite frankly with the attention he gets from me he is going to live longer at my House than his cousins in OZ and wherever they hang out.

Your pet being born in captivity does not erase the biological instincts embedded in it's DNA in one generation. It will take thousands of years, as with cats and dogs for that to happen.

If your pet had a choice between roaming with his cousins in OZ or wherever, fending for itself or being hunted by predators and being kept in a cage in England, fed looked after and kept safe, I have a feeling it would choose the former. Wink
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Captain Safety

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PostPosted: 19:34 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

i dont think keeping a lizard in an aquarium is any worse than keeping a cat but never letting it outside.
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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: 19:48 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinchillas are awesome Laughing
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Spanner Monkey

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PostPosted: 20:13 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Re: Should exotic pets be owned? Reply with quote

byke95 wrote:
Going on from the centipede...

I think pets are great. There have been several species that, over the past few hundred years, we as humans have bread to be more than just animals. Domestic dogs, cats, rats, pigs etc. They reflect us as humans, possible a bit to much but they make good companions.

What I'm not so keen on the more exotic pets, I always cringe when:

I see a bird in a cage, the symbolism is just to much.

A chinchilla in a pet shop (with a sign saying 'lives in the rain forest, likes to jump from tree to tree')

A reptile in a tank being reduced to eating defrosted prey or, at best, having to make no effort in order to hunt it's food despite it's brilliant evolution. Again, a sad reflection on us as humans.

I do understand the attraction of such animals, they are brilliant and highly evolved species, but if you like them (like me), why reduce them to an existence unfitting of their skills?

In other words, do you own 'exotic' pets and what made you deceide on such a pet? Maybe you breed them and use them for an income? Do you even think this is an issue, maybe any human has the right to own whatever he/she wants?

I understand and agree in part with what you're saying. But as an exotic pet keeper myself, I would say that in most cases, the animals are kept in a better state of health and in better suited environments than they do in their natural habitats.

The reason for this, is that exotic pet keepers are generally disliked by the RSPCA and they themselves do a lot of injustice both against keepers and shops to try and make it illegal to keep these animals. As a result, many people take it on themselves to 'rise above' the petty complaints and quibbles placed upon them by such official organisations.

I do sometimes wonder why people can keep so many pets - exotic pets by their very nature require very specific needs both in feeding and in maintaining health, all of which takes time. Having lots of animals just for the sake of it is a bad thing, I think.

I myself, dont consider myself to be a hobbyist (i.e. they're not members of the family) but rather a conservationist. Most of my animals are either extinct in the wild, or indeed on the verge of being extinct.

Yes I do breed them, mainly on the basis to ensure that the species survives just that little bit longer. Of course, I do sell them, and yes if you look at the bare bones of it, you could argue that I make money. However, when you take into account the time, the food, the equipment, the utilities (24hour electrical supply aint cheap!), the vet bills (each trip can cost anywhere from £100 upwards), you soon realise that there isnt money to be made!

So while I agree, it is demeaning to the animals to have them be fed on defrosted crap, surely its better than being ill through ticks/mites/viral infections, run over by cars, habitat destroyed by over enthusiastic farming, or made extinct, by man?

Its not great, but it is the lesser of two evils im afraid.
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Brolly Dolly

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PostPosted: 20:24 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

i dont think keeping a lizard in an aquarium is any worse than keeping a cat but never letting it outside.

How many people keep cats locked up always, and how many let thier lizards etc run around free? On the whole, most cats and dogs have a reasonable amount of freedom. The same can't be said for most exotic pets. Most animals want food, freedom and sex in that order. Safety, long life and freedom from disease are not wild animals priorities in life IMO.
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Captain Safety

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PostPosted: 20:52 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

you'd be surprised how many people have 'house cats'

i think its better that cats have freedom, but 2 of my cats were run over so the house brigade that i was cruel to let them out when i live near a road and they might have a point.

exotic pets in aquariums may be a bit cramped but they dont have predators, they get free food and even theb possibility of sex if they have company.

in the wild, a lot of animals dont live very long because something eats them

i think its worse though for animals that would roam quite a lot in their natural habitat though so i dont approve of zoos,
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 21:36 - 30 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

McGee wrote:
Chinchillas are awesome Laughing

I Thought about having a chinchilla, then I discovered degu's.
They're smaller, cuter, friendlier and the make funny noises!!!
We got 2 from the petshop at the end of 1999, by early 2000 we had 10 as it turned out they were both pregnant when we bought them!! We kept all 10 for a while, then had to give the baby boys away as we didn't want any more breeding going on!. We're down to our last one now, one of the baby ones. she's just over 6 years old. Best pets I've ever had. They're great company, very sociable animals, all had their own little personalities.
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Nearly there...

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PostPosted: 00:39 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

NSR125-Kid-UK wrote:
Q. Should exotic pets be owned?
A. No. They should be pwned.

Thumbs Up Smile

the only reason i came on this thread was to write that Sad thanks for ruining it for me Sad
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Bovine Proctologist

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PostPosted: 02:18 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

RobB wrote:
Tigers...... A question on QI a few months back, was "Which continent contains the largest number of tigers?".

I've asked a lot of my friends this since, and EVERYONE says Africa,

A TIGER!... In Africa?
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 02:54 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have kept lizards and a snake. They are a f*cking nightmare to keep properly. Reading books and having the right equipment isn't always enough. Karma
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Captain Safety

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PostPosted: 03:03 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

stinkwheel wrote:
RobB wrote:
Tigers...... A question on QI a few months back, was "Which continent contains the largest number of tigers?".

I've asked a lot of my friends this since, and EVERYONE says Africa,

A TIGER!... In Africa?

i know ! I know !
Tigers normally live in asia not africa.
I feel dead clever now Smile
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 03:08 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

i know ! I know !
Tigers normally live in asia not africa.
I feel dead clever now Smile

When did clever die?

He was a good friend.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 03:13 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I bought a cat, and the day after when driving my bus, i watched one go under a car wheel.

It's head was imbedded into the tarmac, and was kicking like fuck in a futile fight against death. It took about 10 minutes for it to give up.

It was the most horrible way for any creature to die, so I don't think I am cruel for keeping my cat indoors. I have let her out, but she runs straight back in. She get's loads of attention, and is seemingly very happy.

Better happy inside then potentially squashed outside IMO.
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Victor Meldrew

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PostPosted: 04:08 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

carlnicholsony2k wrote:
Better happy inside then potentially squashed outside IMO.

Or eaten by one of my *pets*....

Hmmmm.... pussy.....
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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 04:09 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

ZRX61 wrote:
Or eaten by one of my *pets*....

That a Timber Wolf?
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Victor Meldrew

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PostPosted: 04:24 - 31 Mar 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Toby R wrote:
That a Timber Wolf?

with a bit of Artic thrown in on his mums side of the family.
At 3 months old he was almost twice as big as a friends 6month old Alsatian..
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